fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: I hope Karma was wearing a blindfold

Thursday, August 1, 2013

I hope Karma was wearing a blindfold

Asshat #1 has a new girlfriend. Up until last night I've only got to meet her sandals by the door, but last night I finally got to see her person.

Karma, please look the other way. 

My first impression of my son's girlfriend was holy fucking cleavage. She's about 5 foot nothing and the only thing keeping her from falling over frontwards is the big ass behind.

My son likes them curvy.

My second impression was most annoying voice ever. Which made me start worrying that I was one of those moms. You know the ones who think no girl will ever be good enough for their son?  But then I remembered that mostly I just worry that no girl should have to put up with his crap.

So later after he had taken her home, he decided to find out what my impression of her was.

Asshat #1: Did you see her tits?

I hope Karma was wearing a blindfold, because I just about pissed myself laughing.

It probably won't be the last time I have to admit I'm an asshole.  

Working with your kids might not be the best thing...

Asshat #2 has been working with his mom this summer. That would be me.  I'm not accustomed to seeing either of my progeny 24/7 but #2 has been with me for some very long days these past weeks. Still I guess it isn't enough, because he texts me at lunch break and supper break. Then he hangs around while we're closing out for the day. I've learned there is such a thing as too much time with your kids.

He hasn't been disappearing when we get home either.

But the beer has been disappearing...

Neither Asshat will own up to it, but my beer has been disappearing instead. Is there anything more frustrating than thinking you've got a nice cold one in the fridge, going to grab it and finding it gone?


  1. Hahaha ... maybe this is why I have two cats :)

  2. It seems like all guys go through a faze where they date a pair of boobs with a girl attached. Having had two male roommates in collage I can attest to this behavior.

  3. hahaha not looking forward to that happening w/my son. So far he's blissfully concealed anyone he's even ever been interested in, save one allegedly platonic friend. Now I'm grateful :)
