fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: I can't hear you, could you speak up?

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I can't hear you, could you speak up?

I went three years without seeing a doctor but all of a sudden it seems like I can't stay away from them.

So it was no big surprise to wake up with an ear ache, and really no big deal either since I was already seeing the Nurse Practitioner today.

I met with her and we talked about various things and I asked if Depo Provera was still a no-no for bone thinning or if I could use it. She said there was no reason why I couldn't, but is going to send me for a bone density test.

On top of the trans-vaginal ultrasound I'm still not looking forward to.

Which added to the long awaited gynecologist appointment makes three to look forward to.

Plus my ear is blocked and will need to be flushed in two weeks. Or sooner, since I didn't believe her and jammed a Q-tip in there and made it really blocked. I can't hear a thing out of my left ear now.

It's my phone ear too dammit.


  1. I would see that as a good excuse to stay off the phone - I HATE to talk on the phone!

    The bone density test is a piece of cake. You lie on a table and an arm thing goes over you from head to toe. Couldn't be easier. You'll survive it.

    1. I notice you aren't offering any reassurance on the other test.

  2. I'm with Dyanne--shoot me a text over talking on the phone any old day!

    Sorry about having to go see all the doctors, and I'll be sending some prayers your way! Yes, I play a snarky a-hole on my blog, but I am actually a pretty decent person who really does pray a lot! :)

    1. I'm not really concerned, I just want stuff done so I can not see them for a while.

  3. Have you tried ear candling? It really works! :)

    1. If it doesn't unblock soon I'll try anything up to and including stabbing my ear drum with a knitting needle.
