fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Tired is the new normal and finding out I snore.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Tired is the new normal and finding out I snore.

I'm starting my third week as a "recovering" smoker. There are moments where I still desperately want one. Just not a moment desperate enough to drive to the store for.

Which means it's a really good thing I can't remember where I stashed the "extra" pack I had on hand on my last day as a smoker. By the time I've checked a couple of places in the house and not found those smokes, the urge has either passed or by then I'm just too tired to keep looking.

I've also learned something about myself these past three weeks. With nothing else to do on breaks I've started just putting back the seat in my car and resting my eyes.

Apparently I snore, or at least I do when I'm on my back. It's a good thing. Waking myself up snoring works almost as well as an alarm clock to get me back to work on time. 

Tired has become the new normal in my life. Having only one day off to get stuff done and try to relax a bit sucks, so finding out that my hot water tank wasn't heating water on a Sunday morning did not make my day. Having to call my ex-husband to come and look at it didn't really do my pride any good either, but at least after living with me for 10 years he wasn't shocked by my lack of housekeeping skills.


  1. I am there too. This year, getting logs for the house, the car dying, the sick pets, and the anemic work schedules means I am going to bed late and feeling just as tired when I wake up as when I laid down. So I know those feels, girl.

    I know those feels.

  2. Keep it up! I can relate when it comes to sleep deprivation. For example, I’m so tired right now, I actually fell asleep for a few seconds while writing this comment. True story.
