fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Vibrators and Debit Cards

Monday, December 31, 2012

Vibrators and Debit Cards

One of my more memorable experiences this past year was buying my first vibrator - in person - at an actual sex store.

There I am in the sex store trying to look around and make sure nobody I know is in there too. Why that was such a big deal makes no sense to me. Say you see your neighbor or one of your kid's grade school teachers - wouldn't the embarrassment be mutual? I'm pretty sure most people would pretend they didn't see you and hope you didn't see them.

Then I looked around again and saw all the stuff. 

Holy mother trucker there is a crap load of stuff in a sex store. If it wasn't so damn embarrassing to be there, I could have wandered around for hours. It would be like trying to figure out all the different kinds of gadgets at the hardware store, but instead I would be trying to figure out all the different kinds of fetishes at the sex store.

I wandered around trying to find what I was looking for. I knew exactly which one I wanted because I checked them out on-line.

Of course I researched on-line first! Doesn't everybody research their appliance purchases?

I was kind of slinking around the store but couldn't find it. The perky young clerk took pity on me and asked me if I needed any help. The normal me would be all No, I'm just browsing but for real, is it any more embarrassing to be browsing in a sex store than it is to be there for something specific?

So I asked her if they had any of the We Vibes left. Preferably the ones that were on a clearance sale, because bargains are awesome. The clearance sale ones were gone (of course) so I had to take the newer, full priced model.

Perky leaves me in the care of another clerk, who had to have been the youngest looking boy ever. I mean I know getting older has skewed my ability to judge age, but there is no effing way that boy could even legally buy booze.

Yet there he is. Waiting on me. In a sex shop. And here my MILF went and passed it's "best before" date about a decade ago. I felt bad for the poor boy. Seriously, the only job that could possibly put bigger damper on a guy's sex drive would be pursuing a career in gynecology.

Baby boy clerk asks me if I need any toy shampoo. WTF? Toy shampoo? I was just gonna use some dish soap and call it good enough. So no, I don't want any toy shampoo, especially when I had to buy the newer full priced model.

Baby boy clerk rang up my purchase and gave me the total.

Now I'm a debit card girl. Where most women would whip out their Visa and holler CHARGE!, I politely say debit please. I've noticed over the years that a five dollar purchase will take a lot longer to process than say, buying a fridge and stove with your debit card - which I've done by the way.

So the baby boy puts the transaction through and it went through lickety split. I made a comment about the big ones going faster. He blushed and started babbling about the warranty.

Then he looked at me and said Oh, you meant the debit transaction! 

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  1. Lol! Wow, you're brave! I always buy mine online.

  2. And I now know why that's the usual way these things are done. It saves everyone a whole lot of blushing.

  3. I have never had the pleasure of going into one of those stores to buy first was a gift, and then second I got at one of those "sex toys" parties from my 20s. Let's hope it lasts a long time...

    1. I strongly recommend on-line shopping should you ever need a replacement.

  4. Can you believe I've never been in one of these stores? Now my curiosity is piqued. Found you from Cloudy's blog hop. Happy New Year!

    1. Happy New Year to you as well. If you get the urge to see what they're all about take a friend for moral support. You'll need one to pick your jaw up off the floor!

  5. Oh man so happy you found me today lol!! Seriously never been to one of these stores either and now you definitely have me intrigued!!! Happy New Year!!

    1. There is a lot of stuff in those stores. Goofy gag gift items - like mac and cheese with penis shaped pasta, and real gags in the bondage section. If you were nervy enough to really browse you could make an entire afternoon of it.

  6. Upon my husband's request I went to our local store looking for a few, um, things. I made the mistake of asking a question. I must give those girls credit, they know their stuff. HA HA! I think they did everything short of giving me a demonstration. I must say, other stores could learn a lesson or two from the customer service of that place!

    1. The customer service was very tactful. I guess it would have to be, considering the merchandise!

  7. That's too funny....the big ones always go fast. HAHA. I remember the 1st time(maybe it was the 2nd time since I went with my then boyfriend, now hubby in college)I went to "a shop". It was with a co-worker. It was my husband's first time deploying with the Navy and this lady told me I needed one. Considering she was old enough to be my mother it was a little awkward. For some reason I struggle with the toys. You would think after 3 kids I would be ok. lol

    1. My mother would actually have a blast in one of those stores. If I went with her I would get to be doubly mortified!

  8. Funny ending! I went in a store like that with college friends in Times Square long ago. I was very shocked by what was in it. We all were pretty freaked out, but laughed it off.

    1. There are some pretty shocking items in those stores!

  9. Bwah-hahaha! Too funny for you and the tweenage clerk...

    1. I wonder if he took the job thinking he'd get to meat lots of hotties?

  10. OMG - that is too funny. Unfortunately there is no sex store in our little town, but I think I would love going there if there was one. And if you run into teachers, customers, co-workers - so what? They are there for the same reason ;)

    1. Well if you ever come across one be sure to check it out. The experience was interesting. I could see going to one with the right friend and having a blast looking at all of the stuff.

  11. LMAO #DIES LOOOL poor boy... I think it'd be interesting to visit a sex store but I don't think I have the courage yet

    1. I would go with a friend, one that you are super comfortable with because there is just so much stuff in those stores.

  12. Hahaha! Too funny. You are one brave woman for going into a sex store without a friend. You're my new heroine!

    1. It was incredibly awkward. I would go again - just to browse. Or pretend I was there for a gag gift. But definitely with a friend.

  13. Replies
    1. Just came back for a second read since you linked up with THE SARCASM GODDESS, and still I say HA! So, I guess what I'm really saying is "haha!" :D

    2. I'm gonna work on you until I get a "har har". ;-)

  14. Ohhhhh that is awkward. I definitely would have done it online. Although with my luck, the box would have said VIBRATORS VIBRATORS VIBRATORS and the mailman would have left it with my landlord to pick up.

    1. Or maybe be wrapped in penis wrapping paper?

  15. I remember walking around one of the sex shops back home in Montreal, looking at all the strangely-shaped things in their packaging, and realizing that someone may be on her way to this store, right now, to buy THIS SPECIFIC THING. Like, I'm here to buy citrus massage oil and a set of sexy dice that will tell me if I should LICK EARS or TOUCH BUTT, but there is someone on a bus right now, headed to this store, thinking about this incredible set of glow-in-the-dark vibrating anal beads she's going to buy today. That about blew my mind.

    1. I think I would have completely lost my nerve if I had started trying to picture the actual people buying some of the stuff. Although I did accidentally picture a heavy man in the swing - it was a terrible mental picture.

    2. The sex shops in Montreal are huge and constantly advertised on TV. Or at least they were in the 90s when I lived there!

    3. Yes but in Montreal a woman of a certain age can still go out to the clubs and not be considered a cougar. Or at least not as cougarish as where I live now.

  16. I got my first and second vibrator this year - at blogging conferences. Next time you want to avoid the sex store, go to BlogHer instead! LOL. So funny about the debit card. This was hilarious!

  17. That is freaking awesome! As a former high school teacher, my biggest fear used to be buying liquor at the grocery store where kids in my classes worked. This pales in comparison to the sex store!

    1. I would not have been able to complete my purchase if I had actually known the clerk. No way, no how.

  18. I think it must take a very special person to work at one of those stores. I'm not a shy person by any stretch of the imagination, but I also don't have a great poker face. Yeah.....not for me.

    1. I could not handle it either. One of my cousins used to get by on two part time jobs. Get this mix - one was working in a sex store and the other in a teachers supply store.

  19. You are very brave. I have never bought at a shop. Always online or at a party. Funny story: My mom wanted one at dad passed away. I went into Spencer gifts at the mall and she waited outside. Then I told her she needed size C batteries. She made ME go into Walgreens to buy the batteries. Like everyone would know she was buying batteries for a vibrator?!

    1. C batteries? That thing is going to cost her a fortune to run!

      True story - my mom used to take the oldest to auction sales when he was a pre-teen. One time in a "miscellaneous" box there was a plug in vibrator. I have to wonder how old it was and how that worked out in an older style home with their shortage of electrical outlets. I hope the cord was longer than the one they put on toasters.

  20. For that particular item - no.

  21. Hilarious! Kudos to you for being so brave to go in there by yourself. I would have chickened out and sent my husband to do my "dirty" work :-)

    1. How do you make sure the toy is more for you than for him then?

  22. It cracks me up that the boy wonder clerk kept thinking about what you said to realize you really meant!

    1. You could literally see on his face the instant he realized what I was talking about.

  23. Wow. You are now my amazing role model for sheer uninhibited shopping chutpah. I loved the whole story, even learned about toy shampoo. Interesting. You're really funny. I could have a drink with you.

    1. I'm not sure how funny I really am when I'm drinking, but I usually think I'm hilarious.

      Yeah - toy shampoo - who knew?

  24. Weirdly I find it more embarrassing buying sex-related purchases outside of a sex shop. Because everyone is there for the same reason at the sex shop. I hate buying lube or condoms in a grocery store, and they're just sitting there on the conveyor belt while everyone behind you pretends not to see them. Ugh. Hurray for my hubby's vasectomy! That knocks the condoms out of the picture.

    1. Once the babies are done, vasectomies rock.

  25. So funny! I like to pretend I'm not a prude, but I do t think I could survive going into one of those stores!! Online is the way to go.

    1. Trust me, any future actual purchases will be made on-line.

  26. What a great story! I was just in Newbury St in Boston but the sex shop was closed. You could have gone to BlogHer - everyone got free vibrators (I missed it).

    1. You aren't the first person to tell me blog conferences have such great swag. Sure beats the hell out of the swag at greenhouse conferences.

  27. My friends and I have turned this into a rite of passage for anytime one of us gets married or divorced. We go as a group after getting drinks and / or dinner. Sometimes bring a gay boyfriend or two. Way more comfortable that way.

    1. It does seem like the best way and after all, the more the merrier right?

  28. Hahaha! Loved this. The last line reminded me of the time I asked a grocery clerk if he knew where I could find some dates. I meant the pitted variety but his raised eyebrows and blushing cheeks showed me he thought otherwise.

  29. We had a huge tornado in our town in 2011, and the sex toy shop was one of the many structures to be blown to smithereens (no pun intended). The tornado then spat out sex toys for miles. People were actually told to treat them as "hazardous waste" if found in their yard. Which makes sense, I guess, because some of them could just have likely come from a nightstand or dresser drawer and not been new, if you catch my drift....

    1. Oh. My. God. I am going to piss myself laughing now.

  30. I am so impressed! I don't think I could ever do that, especially, geez, with a young guy in there! So funny :)

    1. Hey, He started it! Asking me if I wanted "Toy Shampoo" - as if!

  31. haha!! funny!! and what the hey is toy shampoo??

    1. I'm convinced toy shampoo is dish soap sold in a smaller bottle for more money, even though I never actually saw it.

  32. Oh funny. Here's what I learned the one time I went to a sex shop. You can buy dildos shaped like veggies. Cobs of corn, cucumbers, carrots -- the whole deal. I didn't buy one, but they are available for your future reference. :)

    1. I am going to pretend in my head that those were gag items, not real fetishes.

  33. Poor baby boy clerk had no idea what was coming. Great post and awesome last line. Thanks for linking up, Erin

    1. Thank you for providing the link up! I'll be reading posts most of the evening and I'm sure I'll find some favorites!


  34. This is too much. I don't know how I missed this. My husband had to point your post out to me. And he usually is the more proactive one in purchases of this type. I admit it. I'm repressed. Well, repressed in the sense that I haven't ever been in a store. Maybe I should think of it like a field trip? The shampoo. Too funny. You are savvy enough to realize that it is basically Palmolive in a shiny purple bottle. Excellent post.

    1. I don't know that I'll ever make the attempt to go in a store again! I was totally trying to convince myself I could be cool with it the entire drive there. And I wasn't cool with it at all! I'm sure my face was beet red the entire time.

  35. Poor little baby boy clerk. I'm giggling to myself about the things he must hear from customers on a day to day basis. I wonder if at first he was like, "I'm going to have the awesomestn job ever and hook up with all these hot people!" and then he slowly got more and more horrified and disillusioned by the realities of his job and toy shampoo. I admire your bravery for actually going in the store. Funny post!

    1. He would have to get disillusioned right? I mean if you go to say the mall - at least 95% of the people there are going to fall in the "I never want to picture you without clothes" category. So I'm guessing at a sex store at least 99% will fall into that category.

  36. Bahaha! I pay in cash for those things...don't want to leave a paper trail. When I bought mine, the guy put the batteries in, turned it on and asked if I wanted to touch it - to test out the vibrations, I guess. That was not awkward at all. Thanks for linking up!

    1. I don't know if the clerk could have handled that. I'm sure he just would have dissolved in blushes and mortification.

  37. While I've been in one of these stores, I can't say I've ever made an actual purchase for fear of all of the above. This is why I have those stay at home parties where I get to see the products with all of my perv friends witnessing it all..

    1. I'm not sure I could handle sitting around with a bunch of friends looking at vibrators. Not sure at all. I think any future purchases will be on-line!

  38. Toy shampoo?? Do they sell toy conditioner, too? Or is that just KY jelly...

    1. Sounds like a potential marketing ploy to me!

  39. Boy, I thought I was a good shopper! But you are the bravest of the brave! I still have trouble getting intimate with something that requires batteries and requires shampooing. I let my husband buy one....cuz of course; men are awesome at knowing what a woman wants.

    1. Bravest of the brave or most foolish of the foolish?

  40. I'm also an online shopper but have enjoyed the embarrassment of the shops in the past. It's always a fun adventure if you bring a friend to giggle over the blow-up sheep and other oddities. :)

    1. They have blow-up sheep!!!! I missed those. I did note the array of costumes though, and that the quality was about what you get for Halloween. Somehow that just didn't seem sexy to me.

  41. Well i can one up you, i also went to a sex store for the first time but bought a costume that time, and the store clerk gave me and my fiancee some lube for his and her cold and warm lube, anyways i have never used lube nor has he so we tried it that night ok, if my fiancee would of read the label he would of seen apply a SMALL amount not the whole packet, we tried the warm first waited 10 secs felt nothing so he applies the whole packet of cold.......its like rubbing icy/hot on your privates,its doesn't go away after 20 mins either.....on the plus side we both learned our lessons and i wrote the company explaining just like i did to you, and corporate got back to me via email and sent me a new lube that has no icy/hot....warning use a small amount unless your freaky and like alot of pain

    1. Note to self: Never use anything promising warm or cold on your delicate bits.
