fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Saying Goodbye to The Swinger.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Saying Goodbye to The Swinger.

Holy shit, I made it home before The Beer Store closed - on a Monday - and what a Monday it was.

The Swinger was due back from a two week vacation today, except he's not ever coming back. He found another job while he was away.

He won't be missed, even though I've got mixed emotions at the parting. On the one hand I'll never have to deal with his bigotry, hear his Tickle-Me-Elmo laugh, or disinfect surfaces he's touched ever again. On the other hand, I've lost one of my best sources of blog fodder. 

My co-supervisor had the pleasure of cleaning out The Swinger's locker. I think they should have just encased it in concrete since there is no effin way anybody is ever going to want to store their lunch in THAT locker.

There are some things you cannot decontaminate enough to ever be near food which would be everything ever touched by The Swinger.

On the topic of disinfecting surfaces, it seems Mr. Skittles is under the impression he can rinse his mouth at the water fountain and then spit his swish water back in. That's just taking the whole "taste the rainbow" shit way too far.

I'm also going into my fourth week smoke free with only one tiny slip up. Or not so much a slip up as I just needed to confirm that cigarettes do indeed taste like shit. 

If you had ever met the asshats, you would understand how miraculous this is.


  1. Vanessa! You are not posting enough these days!

    No more Swinger and (almost) no more cigarettes. Thank GOD there is still vegetable porn!

  2. I know! I have so much to talk about but the ridiculous hours I've been working make it almost impossible to sit down and write.

  3. Well if you can't store food in his locker, how about booze?

    1. Even booze wouldn't work. The guy was just that freaking nasty.

  4. I wish your posts had tags. Now I suddenly want to read everything about The Swinger all at once. And Skittles too, while I'm at it.

    1. There isn't much about Skittles just yet, but click on The Swinger up in the header.

  5. You are a fucking super hero! Four weeks? That's awesome!
