fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: My mother tried to teach me to cut the tags out of my bras.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

My mother tried to teach me to cut the tags out of my bras.

A couple of months ago, I went bra shopping. As a moral booster, a bucket of ice cream would have gone further. Especially when I took in the back view and wondered if I needed a set of cups for back there too.

Things were starting to get desperate though. My favorite bra was so old and stretched out that if I lifted my arms too high it was going to hit me in the chin. So I went again.

I even managed to find four I liked. Really only two, I just bought 3 the same.

My mother tried to teach me to cut the tags out of my bras and panties, but I just don't do it. I'm going to have to start.

It's a good thing I don't shop often since I've been walking around all week with the anti-theft tags in my bras.

Oh, and if you follow me on twitter? I'm on day 4 of not smoking.

Yes The Swinger still lives - but it's been a close one.


  1. Day 4 of not smoking! Incredible!! Keep it up :) And... I didn't know you were supposed to cut out tags?! Checking my own now.

  2. Well done on going into day 4!

    I love bra shopping! Well, not for me, but for my wife. In fact, I think I like it more than she does. I keep bringing them to her in the change room telling her to try this one on now! Unfortunately, the ones that I really like aren't all that functional in the everyday world.

  3. Good job on the no smoking! The anti theft thing sounds Luke something I would do.

  4. I hate cutting tags out of my clothes because then I can't remember what sizes I was wearing the next time and then I have to try on half the store and then I fell like there is some conspiracy to never have clothes that fit me and then I have to sulk on the internet.

    It's better to just leave them on, really.

  5. You quit smoking?! Oh my. Good luck with that!!!!

  6. Woot for day 4 of not smoking! Your lungs love you!

  7. Congratulations on quitting smoking!!! That is phenomenal news! :)

  8. OMG hilarious about needing "cups back there, too". Hahah...Congrats on quitting smoking. Not an easy thing.

  9. Thanks for reminding what I need to do, buy non-gross bras that is, not quit smoking. p.s. WAY TO GO!!! :)

  10. They should write happy, positive things on those tags... Like, "Don't steal. Awesome boobs in here!" Or ""perkiness boobage EVER!"



  11. My significant other made me go with her bra shopping. I sat on a windowsill inside Victoria's Secret for over an hour while she was carried off into the back for a fitting. You would think that an hour inside Victoria's Secret would be heaven for a man. But no, it wasn't. It was boring and awkward and uncomfortable. And there's nowhere for a man to use the bathroom in there.
