fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: It Isn't Always About Penises

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

It Isn't Always About Penises

Sometimes, it's about googly eyes.

Other times, it's about dicks

We finally got our new line in this week. The guy who's doing the set up is a real piece of work.

Today, he wants to do some training. Right before break of course. So fine, I can always catch a smoke later right?

Then he proceeds to stand around shooting the shit like it's a Sunday and we're passing time over some beers.

Him wasting my time made my answer to the next problem real easy. He wanted to schedule four hours of training on this new line for down time.


Over the last two weeks I worked 150 of the possible 336 hours. My answer was pretty blunt.

Nope, I'm not doing it. I'm not coming in on a Sunday. I'm not coming in for training at 10pm on a weekday either.

It ain't happening.


  1. Doesn't "work" get enough of our time as is? My supervisor gave the boss here some bad habits. The office only goes from Monday - Friday, but she willingly worked on Saturdays... for NO EXTRA PAY! Now, she's overseas on vacation & the boss is subtly trying to get me to do the same.

    I think he got the message, though, when I stopped answering my phone.

    1. It's a strange thing isn't it when employees actually expect to get paid for their time?

  2. I had an interview with 3 dicks just last week. Total waste of time. They didn't even know what they wanted. It felt as if they were just bringing people in to abuse them like total assholes while holding out the promise of a job so the victim would put up with it. As disappointing as it was, today I'm glad not to be working with them. That would be even worse.

    1. I've been looking for a job that is the right fit for years - getting to the interview step is an achievement in itself.

  3. Where oh where have you been, I have missed your swarmy comments!?!? I hate work so much lately I have taken Friday off. No apologies! I think you should do the same. Reclaim some time to yourself - you earned it (and I bet your dog misses you)!

    1. I know my dog misses me, but I would feel pretty selfish taking Fridays off and leaving everyone else there even more exhausted than I am.

  4. I am glad you are back! I was starting to think I wasn't looking in the right place for new posts. I found your blog by googling something to the effect of "Parenting horror stories" and the potato in the toilet incident popped up. I told my mother about your blog and now we can't get enough! Thank you for sharing your life, whit, and humor!!

    1. I've barely scratched the surface on my parenting horror stories! Thank you for not only reading my blog but for sharing it!

  5. I was just thinking I haven't seen you around lately! So nice to see you back! And holy hell, I wouldn't be going in on a Sunday or going for training at 10 pm on a weekday, either!

    1. I have been so busy with work and trying to get my house back to being a home now that I'm in it more, blogging has kind of had to take a back seat. I even left my computer unplugged for a week just to make sure I would actually get something accomplished.

  6. My first thought was 'did she really put googly eyes on that tomato? Yes, yes she did.'

    1. The same bunch of ladies who didn't hesitate to put a rubber glove condom on a tomato wouldn't even flinch at giving one googly eyes!
