fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: I'm a fill on the right side girl in a fill on the left side world.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I'm a fill on the right side girl in a fill on the left side world.

After weeks of working from dark to dark, all of a sudden we've hit a lull. Starting at 7am is a pleasant change to starting at 6 (except for the three people one bathroom stuff) and getting done at 5 is nothing to complain about.

Except I do.

Complain that is.

But today ended at 3 and you would think even I wouldn't be able to find something to bitch about right?

You would be right, if I hadn't needed gas.

It seems I'm a fill on the right side girl in a fill on the left side world. And then when a bay finally opened up on the right side of my vehicle what happens? Some little douche canoe pulls in directly from the street.


So I wait and watch one passive-agressive woman wash every single window on her mini van.

Bitch - do you not see the car wash across the road?

Then I waited and waited while another one walked into the store to pay. I think she was buying herself some junk food too. Just saying.

In the end I had to back into a bay so I could fill my car while bitch number two was still looking for her favorite candy bar.

Because really, I've got stuff to do and a lawn chair waiting for my ass.


  1. I hate those days! And those byotches.

    1. The passive aggressive games we women play drive me bonkers.

  2. It should be legal to throat-punch people who cut in line and *still* have the nerve to take their own sweet time. I think we should start a petition.
