fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Miss Kitty shreds her enemies.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Miss Kitty shreds her enemies.

In case you missed me moaning about it, I've been working a lot of hours. The days all start at 6 and at the beginning of the week rarely end before 9:30.

You can imagine that the very last thing I want to do on my way home from work is stop at the grocery store. However yesterday we only had a partial roll of toilet paper on the go, and one full one remaining in the package. With me and the asshats using said toilet paper, it's dangerous to cut things that close.

Since I do consider toilet paper to be an essential no matter how tired I am, I stopped at the grocery store. At that time of night, there is only one register open. Of course the two ladies with their fully loaded carts had to race to get in front of me with my five items. There is no doubt in my mind they did it intentionally since both of them glared at me as they ran for the checkout.

Lucky for them, I was too tired to commit bodily harm or even a gusty sigh and sarcastic eye roll. In fact, I don't even think I had the energy to put my "I will cut you" evil bitch face on.

So this morning, when I saw that there was still a roll of paper in the package I was a little bit put out that I had stopped needlessly. Until I pulled the roll out.

It seems Miss Kitty had crawled into the bag and had a serious altercation with that last roll of TP.

Turned out it was a good thing I did stop at the store last night, since I was too tired to assemble those shreds into something I could wipe my ass with.


  1. Aren't kittens FUN? I once came home from work to find my cat had unfurled an entire roll of tp all over the upstairs. Seems the open bathroom window made the end of the tp flutter, rendering it completely irresistible.

    1. That will never happen at my house since nobody knows how to put a roll on the holder.

  2. My girls did that when they were kittens, too.

    1. It's partly my own fault, I give her the empty ones when I'm tired of being chomped on.

  3. I hate those kinds of errands. Things you need but are annoying to buy.

  4. I agree. I had to go to Wal-mart last night to get mouse traps. I felt unclean. There is something really unwholesome about that place.

    1. I despise Walmart. Just the number of people there is enough to make me twitchy.

  5. This is why we're dog people. Although, our last one had this thing he used to do where he'd sometimes raid the dirty laundry hamper & chew up my wife's underwear. He was a bit of a perv, as dogs go.

    1. I've heard of "those" dogs. Thankfully I've never owned one because then I would have to go shopping for underwear more often. Me and shopping are not friendly with each other.

  6. How can you work so much and still blog so much? I had to take a month off, I was so busy. I missed it but had no choice!

    Dogs like unrolling tp too...

    1. I think my dog did the TP unrolling thing once. It must have been at someone else's house though since mine never makes it to the holder.

      I feel like I've neglected my blog horribly the past couple of months. Even worse, I have so little time to read other peoples blogs. Then when I do, because I'm so down I have a hard time commenting even when I really did enjoy the post.
