fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Gnarly toenails are one of my phobias.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Gnarly toenails are one of my phobias.

I've got these "issues" when it comes to nails. Not the nails you pound into wood - those I've got under control.

Nope, I've got issues with fingernails and toenails.

Long fingernails kind of make me want to puke. Seriously, I try to keep my own fingernails with only 1 mm of white showing. Anything else bothers me, especially when I reach into my purse and get those mysterious purse crumbs under my nails somehow.

What the fuck are those purse crumbs from?

Toenails are something I'm fortunate enough to be able to forget about for 10 months of the year when everyone drags out their socks and winter shoes.

Inevitably though, summer weather rolls around and I will be exposed to the visual nightmare of gnarly toenails. I kind of get that guys aren't into the whole pedicure thing, but when I see a woman walking around in sandals with toenails that look like they belong on a troll, I want to vomit.

Being the type of person who can't trash talk a woman unless I'm not guilty of the same thing - this weekend was the time to do that first of the sandal season pedicure. Except when The Polish guy packed up my meager possessions and moved them out of his house - he forgot all of the pedicure shit.  Including the very important "toe separators"

You can see why they are an essential right?

So I go to the grocery store, only in their cosmetic section they are lacking the all important "toe separators" so I went to Shoppers Drug Mart.

I have been avoiding that place, because The Polish Guy's niece works there. It has been over a month though, time to grow up and start acting normal. Right?

Like all retail, I'm sure Shopper's doesn't have certain people on staff for every hour I might want to go there. I could get lucky. Right?


She's on duty, and standing in the nail polish aisle. Which is where my fucking toe separators are likely to be.

We have the "blah blah blah" conversation.

Hanging by a thread, I'm keeping it together, until she tells me The Polish Guy got hurt when he was opening up the cottage for the season. Hurt badly enough to spend three days in the hospital up there. I've been told he's got four broken ribs and he's all scraped up.

All because his asshole brother K, took another one of his "buy it on Kijiji, half assed fix it and then sell it" didn't think brakes were important.

That's how I ended up crying in Shopper's Drug Mart.

His niece wondered why I wasn't chasing him down and forcing him to see reason.

I'm not, because I've been around long enough to know one of the hardest facts of life.

No matter how much YOU love them, you can't MAKE anyone love YOU back.

Sadly, no matter how much you feel as if you've been disemboweled through your nose, the sun will continue to rise and set. Bills will continue to appear in your mailbox, and life will go on.


  1. Ouchies. Yeah, this one sucks balls. We could 1) make a plan to get together and trash men while getting trashed...except we are a couple thousand miles apart and somehow that won't work..2) blow sunshine and rainbows up our arses until the sunrises about how everyone comes into each other's lives for a reason and sometimes we don't even get to know the reason...which also seriously blows balls when you're in the moment and so is useless as an answer. Or we could 3) find a way to make fun of other people and laugh our asses off...pick one..?

    1. I've really been trashing The Swinger lately. It doesn't seem to make me feel any better though, no matter how much he's earned it. I just wind up feeling even more hateful.

  2. It would be so much easier if we could just cut them out of our thought completely wouldn't it. If only it worked that way.

    1. It should be possible to just automatically have a black blob over every memory that contains them. Or at least their part in the memory.

  3. In time the hurt fades. All you have to do is get through the sucky hurt & anger parts & you'll be feeling totally apathetic about the guy eventually. Something to look forward too, I guess.

    1. In time it will come. The now is tough though.

  4. It'll get easier with time. And in all honesty, it's his loss... Not yours!

    Double Hugs!


    1. I'm just arrogant enough that I really do believe it is his loss. I'm also spiteful enough to wish he was feeling the loss.

  5. Yeah, it sucks. It sucks even more when you can't move away from them (like to a nice tropical island somewhere) or get more physical distance as well as emotional distance.

    1. Hell, I would settle for the other side of town at this point.

  6. Hard to accept all of that, but you are right. And it is a painful lesson to learn. :(-Ashley

    1. It is an unfortunate truth. Of course I did have the first month or so where I sent random texts venting my spleen a bit.

  7. I read blogs first with a skim, and yours was just golden. "What the fuck are those purse crumbs from?" "That's how I ended up crying in Shopper's Drug Mart." But I don't know anything about The Polish Guy, so I have some backreading to do.
