fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Sunday - it needs to be two days.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sunday - it needs to be two days.

I wasn't home much this week. I'm not sure if the kids missed me, they might have missed me washing laundry. I know the dog missed me though since he's been plastered to my side all morning.

Of course then I start to notice things. Like the mats behind his ears that I forgot to trim out last weekend. Like the distinct doggy aroma wafting to my nose.

That's about when Louie learned that mommy's love isn't all cuddles and treats. By some miracle I was able to find all the necessary tools for an extended grooming session.

Scissors to clean up the Sasquatch feet.

Thinning shears to trim up the ass fur so it's short enough it no longer provides a landing pad for whatever is coming out of his ass. Also handy for kerchunking through the mats so they can be combed out and not leave a bald spot.

The nail trimmers so we can put a stop to the annoying clickety click. I've got three out of four paws done so it's currently clickety pad pad pad, but I'll get that last paw.

The brush to get rid of those endless gobs of shedding out undercoat. If you've never had the pleasure, a Golden Retriever's undercoat is not hair. It's more like gobs of poplar fuzz or dandelion fluff.

Miss Kitty did her sibling duty of taunting him while he endured the torture. 

Then I took off his collars and threw them into the dishwasher, and ordered the dog into the tub. My back is grateful that Asshat #1 taught him that command. My back would appreciate it though if Louie could lather himself up and rinse.

Now I'm just waiting for him to dry so I can love him up some more with the brush. It could take a while as it seems I either don't own more than one towel or Asshat #1 has one hell of a pile of them in his bedroom.

That, groceries and making a pot of soup are the sum total of my plans for the day.

The soup is in hope of having something to eat other than granola bars this week so I can prevent future gas explosions. 


  1. I cannot believe you do that stuff yourself. Especially nail trimming, that takes the steady hand and nerves of a surgeon. Good luck with the last paw.

    1. Every time I have to do it I cringe. And my hands shake. And once the trimmer is lined up just so, he twitches his paw away.

      Plus there's the shame of knowing me needing to cut his nails means I'm not walking him nearly as much as I should be.

  2. I need one or two days in my day as well. It seems like everything is happening now Now NOW and I have NO time. So if you find a way to put more then one day in a day, do let me know. Cause I need it.

  3. I just want an extra day to rest - not an extra day to work.
