fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: A near miss and my uterus hates me.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A near miss and my uterus hates me.

It was bound to happen sooner or later. After close to a year, I almost had to look The Polish Guy in the eye. Not that I have any problem looking him in the eye since I have nothing to be ashamed of. He, on the other hand does. Appropriately he dropped his head and pretended not to see me.

Which is exactly how I want it.

My uterus hates me.

Yesterday was supposed to be my big day. The planets had all lined up and I was finally going to get my hysterosonogram. Then my period started on Monday and since the two are mutually exclusive I had to reschedule it to the 21st.

But the receptionist at my gynocologists office likes me and let me keep my follow up appointment booked for the 27th. Which means I will still find out whether Aunt Flo's granny suite needs demo or a remodel by the end of January.

Take that Aunt Flo - nah nah nanah nah!


  1. Replies
    1. I am. I sulked for two days about the rescheduled appointment. I was over the near miss before I left the store.

  2. Awwwww, no, so your hystero is still in-tact? Bummer. Does this mean you get a gynorectokimbosliceo? Careful with that.

    1. Whatever that is, if I will get drugs for it I'll take it.

  3. I'm not quite sure what you're trying to do to your uterus, but any time I hear 'hystero' I immediately think of a broken uterus. Are you trying to break your uterus? If so, you must be REALLY mad at it!

  4. Demo or remodel--I don't want to laugh at your pain, but that was a great line. :)

    1. Hey, when your vagina is constantly out of order because your uterus is under maintenance, drastic measures are called for. Right now I'm listening to "Love it or List it" in the background and laughing my ass off - list it would have won hands down this week.

  5. I'm glad he dropped his head. He doesn't deserve to see you!

    1. It kind of made me happy too, almost as happy as how painless it was. He really doesn't matter to me anymore.
