fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Women understand women and they hate each other.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Women understand women and they hate each other.

Yesterday we were finished packing early because we've finally hit our slow time. Being a lazy ass, I try to never pass up an opportunity to nap. So rather than come home and take my Christmas tree down I flopped on my bed started reading and nodded off exactly as I intended.

At five minutes after five my work phone rang and woke me up. In my sleep fuddle I missed the call but I knew who it was.There's this one lady in the office who has no concept of breaks. Or lunches. I've gotten so tired of her calling me when I'm sitting in my car on break or at home trying to wolf down my fried egg sandwich that I've stopped bringing the phone with me. I'm not at my desk, I can't answer her question and it's not as if it's ever something that couldn't wait 15 fucking minutes.

So she left a voice mail to let me know that she would send me an email. And because she wanted everyone in the world to know that she was still working at 5 minutes past five trying to figure out a mistake I had made, she also cc'd my boss.

Yet she mistakenly thinks it would be an awesome good time for us to get together over a bottle of wine.

I much prefer the company over at Yeah Write's Moonshine Grid, so grab a bottle of wine or a cup of tea and join us for some great reads. 


  1. Ugh. I so don't miss working, and especially with women.. The best career move I ever made was going into commercial construction and working with men. - I was an on site proj. coordinator. - So easy peasy they are. No cat fights. No bullshit. No telling the world anything. They'd just bring me stuff and say, "What the hell is this shit?" And if it was a mistake on my part I fixed it, end of story. So happy to be retired but sorry you have to put up with that..

    1. I think it happens in all workplaces but man it irritates me.

  2. I DO NOT miss office goings-on. Those kind of shenanigans tick me off.

    1. Someday I hope to be able to say that I don't miss it either. Until then I guess I just fume - although I have called her out on it in the past.

  3. Yep, I have one of "those" in my office too. The person who can't wait to point out everything you do that's wrong and also not take responsibility or have any concept of anyone else's responsibilities so they can't understand why you aren't tending to the exact thing they need right now. Rather than Human Resources, there should be an office psychologist who determines the sociopaths, not to fire them, just to raise a flag so everyone else in the office is on the same page, and we all know what we're dealing with.

    1. This one has gone to the HR manager and cried about her co-workers not liking her.

  4. I hardly have any women friends for that very reason. I love that in your bio you said you wrangle asshats by night. I love that. I am totally following you form now on.

  5. Equality -- some women and men love to be snarky and nasty to one another. Thankfully, there are lots of good eggs out there too!

    1. All of what you say is true especially about the good eggs. When it comes to work I don't feel the need to be anybody's friend but I do like working with people I can really respect. When that becomes impossible I try to respect the job they have to do.

  6. Ugh. I'm not sure who is worse, THOSE types of co-workers or the completely lazy, it's a toss up. And why I don't miss office jobs!
    In my experience, managers usually feel the same way about suckups, even if they don't always let you know it. Hope you got a "half-assed" nap at least in your half-assed life ;)

    1. I did get a half assed nap. It was divine as all naps are.

  7. She sounds horrible. I would stop answering her calls completely.

    1. If I had a way to identify which calls were from her (other than the timing) I probably would not answer many.

  8. What an awful woman. And passive aggressive, which is the WORST.

    1. The worst. I get that she wants to look good at her job. Everybody wants that, but some people try to look good by doing good and some people try to look good by making others look bad.

  9. Oh good grief, that's so irritably frustrating. I know the feeling!

    1. Very frustrating. I'm not even sure she realizes what she is doing. I hope she's just clueless and not doing it on purpose.

  10. We certainly act like it at times don't we?

  11. Yeesh. That is the worst. Bleh. I work with all women. I know just what you're talking about.

    1. It's the number one reason I never socialize with co-workers.

  12. My wife recently quit her job in an office because of co-workers like that. Now she's at home working with me. Hopefully she's not texting her friends, telling her friends what an ass her boss is! :)

    honestly.....she's the boss.

    1. I'm sure there's only some times where she's texting her friends to complain about her boss, and maybe some other times when she's posting it on facebook. ;-0
