fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: So that's where all my panties went.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

So that's where all my panties went.

I have not done a scrap of house work since New Year's Day. I had taken time off work and I swear I spent all of it laying in my bed reading. And then Monday came and went along with Tuesday and Wednesday. I went back to work at my paying job, but never resumed my non-paying work.

With Asshat #1 living on his own elsewhere the house remains somewhat tidy, or at least better than it was and laundry has lost it's urgency. So while the bathroom looks remarkably tidy, it doesn't change the fact that the toilet hasn't been scrubbed in a while. Clearly it was time to get off my ass (belly actually - it's my preferred reading pose) and do something. Maybe even take down the Christmas Tree.

I started with folding the blankets that were on the couch from #2's friends spending the night on Sunday. Yes I do know that was four days ago but in my defense there wasn't a damn thing on TV worth watching so why would I clear the sofa? Then I removed my folded laundry from the coffee table and discovered that my clean panties weren't all jammed in the bottom of the laundry basket where I thought they were.

Me: You crammed all of my panties in the nut bowl?

Asshat #2: Well I had to put them somewhere.

Clearly it's time to take the Nike slogan to heart and just do it.


  1. It probably would have been more appropriate to put men's underwear in the nut bowl, don't you think? I kid. It sounds like we have something in common...a wish for someone else to do the housework!

    1. Or nuts in the men's underwear....

      Someone else to do the housework would be divine.

  2. That's funny! But hey, at least he touched them, my kids would neeevvveerrrr!

    1. Well I am also missing a pair of salad tongs...

      Just kidding.

  3. This all seems vaguely familiar...

  4. "Well, I had to put them somewhere" if that isn't boy logic, I don't know what is. It made me laugh for 5 whole minutes. Love that tomato with the swoosh! COOL!!! --Lisa
