fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Someday I'll miss this.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Someday I'll miss this.

Life has changed since Asshat #1 moved into his own place. Mornings I can actually get in my bathroom for more than 5 minutes. I still only take about five minutes but it's kind of nice that I can have those minutes when I need them. It's better than wasting twenty minutes sitting with my legs crossed not daring to move in case shit happens.

When I come home from work I don't have two loads of laundry to wash. No more of those unlucky nights where I might even have three or four. Now I only do laundry when I run out of pants and we never run out of clean towels anymore.

I really need to buy more pants.

I've discovered that the bathroom vanity is gray. When #1 still lived at home I forgot what it looked like. I don't have toothpaste gobs in the sink and there are no puddles of water laying around on the floor or the counter. Not everything changes though. The Q-tip drawer is still always open. Asshat #2 must clean his ears a lot.

The other thing that changed once #1 moved out? All of a sudden my house became the preferred hangout destination for all of #2's friends. I have adult sized people coming and going all evening, every evening. Sometimes they just all sit in the same room looking at their phones. Other times I can't get out of my driveway for the vehicles that would have to be moved first.

Someday I'll miss this, just not today.


  1. Nice you have your bathroom, I know what you mean about the hangout. I encouraged it when mine was younger, now I'm getting more and more mean so they will GO AWAY! They've gotten better after I yelled my head off at them a few times, often well-deserved and a few times I was just pregnant. They needed it though! :) Good luck. I hope they are not as loud and HUNGRY as my sons friends!

    1. How mean do you actually have to get to make them go away? I thought I was pretty good at mean, but so far not good enough.

  2. When your house is a social center and everyone wants to be there it seems exhausting and like you are never alone. When it all ends and you truly are alone, suddenly the emptiness is overwhelming. Enjoy. :-)

    1. I'm around so many people when I'm at work that I have little tolerance left by the time I get home.
