fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Reno or Demo? The Follow-up Appointment

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Reno or Demo? The Follow-up Appointment

So now the follow-up appointment where we learn the fate of Aunt Flo's granny suite. Since there were no polyps to be found it came down to two choices.

Reno, otherwise known as enometrial ablation. This is where the doctor cauterizes the lining of your uterus. Many women have had this procedure and are quite happy with it. Recovery time is about 10 days, and it's done as an outpatient procedure. The success rate is pretty good. The problem is you may not know if it was successful for up to a year after the procedure. Also, the amusement park might be under maintenance for the first three months.

Demo, otherwise known as a hysterectomy. It involves surgery, at least one night in the hospital and six weeks to recover. But at the end of that six weeks - it's done. No waiting to see if it worked. No more maintenance at the amusement park. No more cramps. No more back ache. No more wanting to throat punch the guy (it had to have been a man) who came up with the whole "Have a Happy Period" advertising campaign.

Guess what folks? Auntie Flo's going to be looking for a new apartment soon. I'm going with option two.

I was thinking of doing this post with a Love it or List it theme, but figured it would just get gross.


  1. Well, I'm happy you'll be getting some relief soon. I had the "demo" due to cancer and it is such a relief not to have to deal with that anymore. Recovery was fairly easy, not too much pain but I didn't lift things for a while and no stairs. I'm sure you'll be fine just get your rest and take it easy when the time comes.

  2. And I bet you'll lose a couple of pounds, too!

  3. AUGH! AUGH! How did I stmble into the middle of this???? OK, I hadn't seen you in awhile. Thought I'd pop round and say "hi." Came into the middle of this conversation. I guess I wasn't ready. I hope everything comes out alright. :-)
