fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Dreams are weird.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Dreams are weird.

I dreamed I was eating spare ribs last night. Which is really weird because I haven't eaten meat of any kind in almost 12 years. In my dream the spare rib tasted like nothing, but I kept chewing away while everyone watched me in drop jawed shock.

I'm looking at the clock on my computer, and the hours and minutes are going by far to quickly for my taste. I worked 74 hours last week and I'm expecting more of the same for the next two weeks. So some of today will be spent matching socks to make life easier next week. Cleaning - because the house is kind of gross looking right now. Grocery shopping - for convenience foods. I hope Lipton Sidekicks are on sale - the kids love that 7 minute rice.

I've only managed to get my hair cut once since I started this job - the week before Labor Day. So on Wednesday, instead of going back to work after I see the Doctor I'm getting a freaking haircut. Maybe even an eyebrow wax.
And if the Doctor wants to do a lady exam before sending me to see a specialist who will evict Aunt Flo, I'll be reassuring myself with the thought that at least I'm not at work for a while. Plus I'll have a haircut to look forward to. 


  1. Oh me too - but lets face it jobs are still scarce.

  2. Cripes... spare ribs? Your job is clearly toxifying your brain. Time to go for sure.

    What is it about this society that rewards that kind of work? We need to start rewarding sloth a little more.

    1. I don't know why this type of work ethic is so sought after. Reality is anything after 55 hours just feeds our bloated government.

  3. 74 hours?! I sure hope you have a glass of wine (or 3) waiting for you on Friday nights--or whatever night you finally get to call it a week!

    1. Saturday is the start of my "weekend". Sadly, I was just too damn tired to whoop it up.

  4. I agree, total bullshit. Good luck on the hunt!

    1. Total bullshit. I don't expect the hunt to pay off quickly but at least now that I'm single, I'm no longer confined to this area. Maybe a fresh start in a new location will have my life falling into place finally.

  5. Workplace stress seems to be going around. I feel your pain. Best of luck to you with your search.

    1. Thank you Vinny. I'm hoping that as my grief lessens I'll have some time to catch up with your work place stress.

  6. I agree that work place stress seems to be going around. Apparently my version of the Swinger overheard me saying I didn't like to work with him. And I didn't even feel bad about it. Hopefully it won't come back to bite me in the butt. Sigh.

    1. I'm at the point where if The Swinger confronted me with not wanting to work with him I would simply list the reasons why and let him stew in it.

      Unfortunately, over the years people have tried to deal with him by stroking his ego. They haven't done him any favors.

  7. Woman! Life is too short for that insane work schedule! Get the hell out!! I agree with Reanna's comment. It's sad that today's society even finds it acceptable to ask someone to work those hours. I hope you find a much better work situation and FAST!!

    1. Fast probably won't happen, but yeah life is way too short for this.

  8. That's alotta hours. I hope you get a new job cause you're right - that's BS! Enjoy your haircut and your doc appointment and that sweet time away from the job.
