fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: The Swinger, Cramps, and the Not Long Weekend.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Swinger, Cramps, and the Not Long Weekend.

Most of the time, I try to avoid starting conversation with The Swinger. Once he starts talking it's nearly impossible to get away from him.

Friday I was desperate though. I had cramps and I knew The Swinger had a stash of Ibuprofin in his locker. So I asked him if I could have a couple.

The Swinger: blah blah blah, what's it for, blah blah blah.

Me: Cramps.

Now The Swinger is a single 40 year old man. I thought that would end the conversation nicely.

It didn't.

The Swinger: blah blah blah, when I was out in the greenhouse I had some Percocet for my back. I gave one to one of the ladies one time for her cramps and she said it worked great, blah blah blah.

Honestly, I was grateful for the Ibuprofin. Really I was, but discussing my period with The Swinger isn't my idea of fun - or even okay.

So far, the only topic I've discovered that puts the man off is if I start yapping about my dog. Especially if I spread the proud doggy mommy on thick.

Three day weekend? Pffft, as if. 

Here in Canada, it's a long weekend. For the rest of the country anyhow. For myself it's a regular Sunday only weekend.

To make it worse, some people will be taking Monday off. The locals, and especially the Mennonites because it's also a Mennonite religious holiday. All of this means that Monday will not only be me working resentfully because it is a holiday, it means it will be me working Monday frantically because certain key people will be missing.

It will probably be a long day too. 

Sometimes life just sucks giant monkey balls.


  1. You should celebrate Victoria Day with some Percocet.

    1. I suppose that's one way of doing things....

  2. I hope that you will get paid handsomely for your efforts, or at the very least, get a day in the bank for some time later.

    for what it's worth, I'm working the weekend as well.

  3. I've just been catching up on your blog... go ahead punch me!!! It might make you feel better. ;)
    Everything you've been going through reminds me of a guy I dated after my divorce and before I met Doc H. Know I look back and realize I COMPLETELY dodged a bullet. I'm hoping you discover that realization, too.
    BTW, Flexiril works wonders, too.

    1. I'm at the point where I think a hysterectomy would be awesome.

    2. Oh! I had one! It's phenomenal! Highly recommend it if you can keep your ovaries! But, I warn you... it takes 6 weeks to recover. I didn't believe them and I paid the price for it!

    3. Six weeks of recovery to never see Aunt Flo again seems like a fair trade to me.

  4. UGH. Hope you are feeling better!-The Dose Girls

    1. Eventually these things do end. I don't think the hot flashes ever go away though.

  5. There's nothing worse than having to work when everyone else has a day off :(

  6. For my job we get paid overtime on holidays. Great right? Well not so much. My next client has me booked every day but Monday because they don't want to pay the overtime. Kinda ticked me off. They would rather pay all the other costs involved with holding the job for a day then pay us more money.

    1. I get a straight 8 hours to bank for another day. It's better than a kick in the ass I guess. It does sometimes come in handy, if you don't have plans for a holiday anyhow at least that way you can take time off when things are open and you can do stuff.

  7. Working on a weekend is bad enough, but working on a long weekend? Brutal.

    1. Very brutal. I'm beat and Sunday is never enough to get caught up on my rest.
