fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: I've always said vinyl gloves look like condoms

Monday, May 27, 2013

I've always said vinyl gloves look like condoms

Nine tonight, six tomorrow and prepare yourself for supper. Which means expect more of the same tomorrow.

Seriously, I would sell my soul for a seven o'clock start.

But then while I was walking up and down the line, checking that the ladies were still trimming up the tomato vines and weighing correctly a couple of the ladies stopped me.

I groaned inside thinking it would be more conversation about piece rates, but they surprised me with this.

I've always said that vinyl gloves look like condoms. They one-upped me and used one to make a condom for a tomato penis. Note they even made sure to leave the reservoir tip. 

So of course I took a picture - which really got the girls laughing. 

A little later, one of the guys came up and said the girls told him to come and see my picture. So I showed him, and a couple of other guys. Some laughed. One said "what the fuck is that" which leads me to believe condoms are not his birth control method of choice. 

Next the girl on that line all told me that L wanted to see the picture. Now there's three Mennonite ladies all in a row wanting to see my picture. 

My picture of a tomato with a dick wearing a condom. Did I mention they are three very sheltered Mennonite ladies?

Which is when I said "Can I show you a cute kitty picture instead?"


  1. Replies
    1. She is a cutey isn't she? And that tomato penis wearing a raincoat is truly inspired veggie porn.

  2. The Mennonites that live in our area are pretty prolific breeders. Sometimes I wonder if some of those ladies wish their husbands would slip on a little protection every now and then?

    1. Big families are the norm in the Mennonite community. I guess when you aren't supposed to have computers and TV you amuse yourself the old fashioned way.

  3. WOW. That tomato picture is CRAZY! ;) Love the kitty...too cute!-The Dose Girls

    1. The kitty is adorable. Even when she's climbing my patio door screen.

  4. Were they okay with settling for the kitten?

    1. The one girl who asked kind of new what the picture would be and was disappointed that I didn't show her. Still, there was no way I was going to make the other lady uncomfortable. She's so darn nice all the time. Last Friday, she was asking me if I was married so I explained that I had been divorced for 12 years. She commented that it was a long time to be all alone. Of course, I lost it and started to cry a bit while explaining that I had just had a long term relationship end. She blushed and apologized for asking and then told me about losing her dad. I guess her mom and dad had a loving marriage and her mom is having a hard time without him - so the day ended with both of us tearing up.

  5. I started to comment about tomato safe sex & my mind went to dirty ways for how ketchup is made... For everyone's safety, I think I'll stop here.

    1. It's probably for the best, but now you've got my brain going in some new directions....

  6. LOL! So you didn't show the Mennonite women the prophylactic tomato? I have to admit, I wonder what they would have thought of it.

    1. Some are more modern than others, but I always struggle to not offend the more traditional women.
