fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Turns out, if you haven't been to a doctor in 3 years getting help is kind of hard.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Turns out, if you haven't been to a doctor in 3 years getting help is kind of hard.

I'm ready to admit that I might need a little bit of "help" to get through this most recent hurdle life has thrown at me.

I'm also ready to admit that I've been feeling like shit for the past couple of years. You hit a certain stage in life and you never know if it's menopause or life. So you keep telling yourself it's menopause, and hope it isn't life.

Is it Memorex, or is it live?

Turns out, if you haven't been to a doctor in three years, just getting an appointment is a huge hurdle.

Apparently, these days you not only have to take time off of work to go to the Doctor, you have to take time off to make the damn appointment! My doctor has no receptionist over the lunch hour, or any other damn hour I'm not working.

So I called from my "pay as you go" cell - they have an opening in two weeks. On a Monday - which happens to be the only day of the week I need to meet deadlines.

Now honestly, I realize they're going to need to do blood work given my family history of thyroid issues, diabetes and my own history of anemia. So I want a morning appointment. That way we can get 'er done. Blood work and all. But Mondays do NOT work for me.

So as I was trying to negotiate an appointment, my cell phone ran out of minutes.

Finally tonight I was done at 5. I went to the walk in clinic - which used to be as close to a primary care physician as I had.

The man let me break down in his office, took my blood pressure and sent me on my way. He told me that he hasn't seen me in three years so he can't help me. Thank you!

Because I have a primary care physician now, I have to wait until I get in to see them. Even though I've never even met the Doctor that is supposed to be my Doctor.

Let's just hope she/he recognizes "my life has fallen apart" when she/he sees it and is willing to help. And also willing to give me a referral to a gynecologist who will give Aunt Flo her eviction notice.


  1. Ugh. That's the worst. Once I got cancer every doc I had to see had to have the word oncology/oncologist attached PLUS my primary and everybody had to be kept in the loop! Silly me I thought they would be the ones to do this but no, it was all on me, including getting referrals from all these clowns.. The medical field does not have my highest regards. The nurses took care of me, not the docs.

    1. I think that's often the case - the nurses looking after you. Here, doctors are somewhat capped so many of them have no nurse on staff. Many things that used to be looked after in a doctors office now aren't. I've even gone to my doctor and been told to go to emergency for a non-emergency. Which at $500, is a ridiculous waste of our health care funding.

  2. What? I have the problem in Germany wanting to see a doctor, but apparently they weren't taking any new patience. But you never get a doctor assigned to...also 3 years?? What a weird system is that. I hope you are getting seen soon and sorted!

    1. I have a family doctor - after going through a process to get one - I've just never been to him. Which means I have no relationship with the receptionist.

  3. I've been there. When my doctor ran away to Florida for some reason I was left in doctor limbo. I didn't want to see the guy she left all my records with, so I was stuck hoping I didn't get sick until I could find another one. Fun.

    1. It is fun. I went through the process three years ago because one of my kids had colitis and wasn't getting care through the walk in clinic. I've just never been myself.

  4. That is terrible. Is there no other doctor you can see? What if you had some sort of an emergency. I'm so sorry this is happening. Our insurance is ridiculously expensive, but we can choose from a network. If we want to see someone OUTSIDE the network we can, it just costs more.
    This is a terrible opti0n, but can you take a sick day at work? I mean it sounds like it may becoming a medical issue.

    1. I don't mind taking the time off of work to go to the doctor - I just don't think I should have to take time off to make an appointment.

  5. I need to see a doctor about all of these anxiety problems I keep having, but I have so much anxiety about the process of setting up an appointment, and then nobody being able to help, that I keep on not calling to make an appointment! Also, I am in the same boat as far as I have no time during work breaks (after peeing and eating) to call to set up an appointment when the doctor's office is open to do so. So stressful.

    1. I effing hate going to the doctors. Especially when I know I'm past due for the "let your knees relax" visit.

  6. UGH! Maneuvering through our "health care" system is so frustrating. It took my dad (he's almost 70) over 6 months to change doctors after his primary retired. And my dad is retired so he had time to deal with all the crap. Sorry you're having to deal with this. I hope you get this resolved soon and that you get to say goodbye to that pesky aunt of yours.

    1. You have no idea how badly I want to see the back of that Aunt.

  7. Karma? I'm not always the nicest person...
