fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Turns out, now-a-days you've got to make an appointment to make an appointment.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Turns out, now-a-days you've got to make an appointment to make an appointment.

So today was the "doctor appointment".

Turns out now-a-days, you not only have to practically take time off to make an appointment, when you go for the appointment, it's only to book another appointment for some actual "doctoring".

I'm not shitting you folks - that doctor did not even lay hands on me today. I go for blood work some time this week, then I see the Nurse Practitioner for a physical.

Then the Doctor will diagnose me and or refer me to a specialist.

Seriously dude, I'm here, my lady bits are presentable. Aunt Flo has made one of her rare visits to somebody else, and my feet don't stink.

Give me a fucking sheet and lets get this shit done.

But it doesn't work that way, so I got a Tetanus shot and a requisition or whatever for blood work and another appointment.

Which means my lady bits have to be presentable twice in the same fucking month. Something I normally don't worry about when there's no action happening down there.

So then I went and got my hair  cut and my eyebrows waxed - which is a big deal once the reading glasses become necessary. She straightened it too. My hair I mean - not my eyebrows - which look awesome by the way. I even got a sort of compliment from Asshat #1.

#1: You should straiten your hair all the time - it looks better like that.

Little does Asshat #1 realize, in order for me to straighten my hair I would need access to the bathroom for more than 10 minutes at a time.

I think I'll stick with my usual wash and wear look.


  1. I got my lady parts all clean and myself psyched up for my exam, only to find out that I had arrived exactly one month early. I slunk out of the office and then had to do the whole thing over again a month later.

    1. If doctors only realized how much prep goes into getting ready for that.

  2. I hate that, when they tell you that you need to come back again when they haven't even done anything. Then your paying for two appointments when one would have done it.

    1. Thankfully in Canada we don't have to pull out our wallet - but I do still have to book time off of work for it.

  3. I'm simply not patient enough to straighten my hair. Besides, I'm sure I'd miss huge chunks of it in the back and then wander around all day with rogue curls.

    1. Mine isn't actually curly, it's just wavy. Still my usual JBF tousled look is a whole lot easier than messing around with either a straightener or a curling iron.

  4. Oh my Gosh, straightening hair is a nightmare! Hope the doctor appointment went well!-The Dose Girls

    1. It went well enough, for what there was of it.

  5. That has got to be the most horrible thing I've ever heard of! That prep is intense.
