fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: My former boss is laughing his ass of right now

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

My former boss is laughing his ass of right now

So I applied for a job tonight. At the company I used to work for as a Customer Service Supervisor.

Only I applied for a Sales Representative position. Which I would be good at - my customers always loved me.

Management - not so much.

Surprisingly I can be a bit of an outspoken bitch. Who knew?

But seriously, when you see someone who has no skills, is rude to customers and co-workers, and is illiterate getting ahead because she looks good in jeggings and fuck me boots, wouldn't you be a tiny bit bitter? She got a nice raise based solely on her ability to "ahem" ego stroke.

Meanwhile, I had honest achievements and got staff reductions.

So I'm sure my former boss is laughing his ass off that I applied for the job - but really he should consider it.

Because I'm damn good. I know the product lines and the customers. I also know the party line. Plus, by now it's got to be pretty evident that knowing how to suck a dick, means nothing when it comes to making a company money.

Eh, we'll see.


  1. Replies
    1. Well then check out this plant.

    2. I think I'm glad it's blue and not pink!

  2. I hope they at least interview you! Good luck!

    1. I do too - but I'll understand if they don't. I have a tendency to be outspoken on my opinions with management.

  3. It would business wise of him to hire you back. He won't have to waste all that time and money training you. Good luck n' keep us posted!

  4. Ooh, good luck! I never could understand people businesses that let things like that happen. I thought the goal was to make money, not promote people who may look good but don't know how to do their jobs.

    1. I thought so too. Especially since they hired her into a position that she had pretty much already been demoted from.

  5. Good luck!!!! Office politics like that really used to get on my nerves. :)

  6. Oh that makes me so mad. Mostly I see it with men though. I don't care if they are a 'nice guy' or 'have connections' if they can't do the work, and do it well and safely, then they have no business doing the job. Grrrr.

    1. Results should always count for something - and I provided them.

  7. Keep us posted! Fingers crossed your former boss can overlook his asshattery and consider you for the job! :)-The Dose Girls

    1. He was never actually "my" boss - but he did have an effect on my ability to do my job and access to resources.
