fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: A Rant Followed By A Touching Story of Tomato Love

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Rant Followed By A Touching Story of Tomato Love

This post was going to be all about Valentine's day - in my own sarcastic fashion. Sometimes plans change though and first I've got to do a bit of a rant.

When my ex and I split, it was written into the divorce decree that he would have the kids one weeknight for dinner - in addition to his weekends. Now that they're older, of course the 21 year old doesn't want to go. Hasn't gone for years really - but we'll save that story for another day.

The 17 year old? He still goes. Which is cool. I know that both boys need to have their own relationship with their dad. It's important to their future happiness.

I'm also cool with the fact that work sometimes gets in the way of life - to a point. Tuesday is the regular night. If you can't come Tuesday then you had better come Wednesday.

He didn't. His unreliability was one of the contributing factors to our divorce.

Now 3 nights of planned meals were and will be shot to shit, and everybody's on edge and twitchy because our routine for the week is totally fucked. 

It also means that because I was kind of counting on him, I ran errands after work and didn't get home until after 6. So now not only am I feeding one I wasn't planning on feeding, I'm starting late.

Of course nobody thought to feed the animals. Either that or the animals didn't bother asking anyone else since I think they figure my sole purpose in life is seeing to their needs. Much like kids?

So I threw myself a nice little hissy fit and started cleaning up the days accumulation of crap and garbage. I ask you - why do we need to have 3 bread bags each containing one slice of bread and a crust sitting on top of the microwave? If you have no plans of eating it just throw the shit away.

Then I swept the floors, because I prefer to sweep before I vacuum. Takes care of those big nasty chunks of stick and plastic water bottle from the dog's chewing. As I was walking by the counter with the broom I noticed the piles of bread crumbs on the counter.

Yeah, I totally used the broom to sweep those fuckers into the dustpan.

Anyhow, moving on to Valentines. I'm not a fan but here's a special Valentine's story just for you.

Girl Meets...


Has Baby

Has another one.

Gets Fat.

The End

Thank you to everyone who voted for my blog in the Circle of Moms contest. I'm pleased with how well I did and it wouldn't have been possible without you voting for me. It's over now. Whew!


  1. Sorry you had a rough day, but if it helps your post cracked me up.

    (and true confessions, I use the steam mop to clean the dining room table sometimes, particularly where my 4 year old sits. you've been there, you understand, right?)

    1. I completely understand. I think it's a crying shame I did not own a pressure washer back when we were using high chairs. I used to put the entire chair in the tub and hose it down with the shower. Blech!

  2. You need to make underpants for the tomato with the lady bits showing. Maybe a thong?

    1. I'm sitting here with a cocktail tomato that looks just like a ladies curvy rear end. And I'm trying to figure out what veggies I can use to make a thong for it. I may have to drag out the sewing machine this weekend.

  3. Love the veggie picks! You could try spaghetti squash for the thong. And I totally vacuumed my kitchen counters yesterday. How does cereal get under the microwave?

    1. It's a backside that would lend itself to a belly dancer's costume well. Oh well, I'll have to wait and see if inspiration strikes as I'm staring at this tomato ass.

  4. You make me want to stop eating vegetables sometimes, you know that?

  5. I rely heavily on routine, and when it gets derailed, I get extremely twitchy. I'm sorry this happened.

    Love the tomatoes!

    1. It's one of those things where my rational side is saying it can't be helped. My inner two year old on the other hand want's to throw a full on tantrum.

  6. It gets harder & harder to see veggies in the same light when I come here. That's a good thing. Normally veggies are boring.

    I say let 'em all fend for themseves one night & have some good, well deserved you time. You've earned it.

    1. I just don't understand why we can't sell these ones. They should fetch a premium price don't you think?

      Some times I let them fend for themselves, but it really only works if I leave the house.

  7. Oh, that totally sucks! But I loved the accurate!

    1. Unfortunately accurate. Though I'm pretty sure my ass still looks fine compared to that tomato...

  8. Now I am regretting not buying tomatoes at the store today. Although I hate buying tomatoes in the winter, because I grow them in the summer and store bought tastes like watery nothing with a vague aftertaste of refrigerator.

    Must. Wait. Till. Summer.

    1. Summer tomatoes are so good. I'll eat the hothouse tomatoes, but I've got the benefit of grabbing the ones that are too ripe to ship. Even then they're kind of hard and bland. Better than no tomato, but not a "real" tomato.

  9. I also kind of wouldn't want to eat the tomatoes, seeing them in this light. It kind of reminds me of an experiment in which the "scientists" (whatever) offered their subjects chocolate shaped like poop. They said it was chocolate and everything but still no one wanted it. I think the real question, though, was who the hell funded this?
    But I digress...

    1. I'm not sure why anyone would fund a study that does bad things to chocolate, but this probably explains why I've never been a fan of Eat More candy bars.

  10. LOVE your veggie pics! How did you find all those mutant tomatoes?!!

    1. I see so many tomatoes in a day it's a wonder I still eat them. Some of the ladies at work actually save them for me. I've even had someone jokingly ask if I have a photo gallery for them. If only they knew.
