fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Don't Eff With The Plan

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Don't Eff With The Plan

In my world there are a lot of things that get on my last nerve. Top my list of pet peeves is any change in plans.

It doesn't matter if The Plan was made two minutes ago on my way home from work and nobody knew the The Plan even existed. Don't fuck with The Plan, or things won't go well for you.

On any given work night The Plan always involves getting home from work with a minimum number of errands along the way. Preferably none. If I'm forced to run errands I'll do them all on one night. The night I'm supposed to be only cooking dinner for myself and Asshat #1.

That night was last night. I ran the errands, got home late and found out I was feeding both Asshats. With no plan in site other than an oven pizza - which only feeds two people in my house - I did what any sensible woman would do and ordered pizza.

Tonight, errands done last night and an oven pizza about to finally happen ( I love easy meals, don't you?) I head home.

There are one too many Asshats in my house. That's right. The Plan changed again.

To top it off? Asshat #2 dropped his phone and wants me to go take out money for him so he can get a new one tomorrow. Never mind that this is phone #4 destroyed in just two years.

Sorry I'm home now, and on any given night The Plan does not include leaving the house until the following morning.

So the first order of business tonight was to pour a drink. Not for the relaxing benefits of booze. Nope, tonight I drink so that nobody can ask me to drive them anywhere.

PS He buys his own phones, since both Asshats have been forced encouraged to have summer employment as soon as they are old enough to legally do so. 

I'm linking up with Something Clever 2.0 again for Theme Thursday. This week's theme is Pet Peeves. Click the image below to read other blogger's pet peeves. 



  1. Replies
    1. Do you think? He's always been terrible with bikes and phones. In both cases I make him buy his own. I just can't stand to watch my money get wasted like that.

    2. I think that's smart of you, phones are a privilege not a parental responsibility. Suggest the insurance, but only worth it with smart phones, you still have to pay 150 for a replacement (and it's refurbished, boo!)

    3. Neither one of mine has had a cell phone until they could buy the phone and cover the monthly feeding. Even so, they are still quite affluent in electronic devices.

  2. I don't mind plan changes most of the time, but when I do mind it is when I'm planning on staying home and being a sloth, and something comes up. I like (and need!) my downtime.

    1. I need my time more than most. I can't function if I have to be somewhere more than one evening a week.

  3. Oh, I am just like this. Once I have my plan, woe be it the person who tries to deviate. I just can't get on board with that!

    1. Sudden changes to my plan almost always end in hissy fits. I'm getting better at keeping the hissy fit in my head though.

  4. Ooo...this is such a good pet peeve! I lose my mind when anyone messes with The Plan...when it's decided in my head, there is NO deviation allowed

    1. Exactly! Do NOT deviate from The Plan. Ever.

  5. "I drink so nobody can ask me to drive them anywhere" LOL Good plan!

    1. It's terrible, but once I'm home from work you need a crowbar to pry me out of the house.

  6. I am SOOOOOO with you on so many levels here. I especially hate the having to leave after getting home for the evening.

    1. Once I'm home, I want to stay there until I have to force myself to leave in the morning. It's a good thing the Boyfriend is as much of a homebody as I am, otherwise one or both of us would be getting frustrated.

  7. Why can no one understand something so simple. Stick. With. The. Plan. errrrg!

    1. Always stick with the plan. Also? Always assume there is a plan.

  8. I find it hard to deviate from my plans too. For example, if I'm at the store & I get a call where something like, "Oh! We need eggs too," was said, you can bet eggs won't get bought because I wasn't prepared for that deviation in my plan. I'll forget it was mentioned before I even end the call.

    1. I might remember to get the eggs, unless I had already passed the display for eggs. Then I would be - sorry I'm already out to the car.

  9. I hate going shopping and spending what feels like an entire day in town buying things I need to survive, and since I try to buy local I have to go to multiple stores (my attempts to convince all the local shops to move into the same shopping center has so far failed) only to get home to realize we are all out of butter/toilet paper/dog food.

    Grrr. Plus the cost of gas just gets me.

    And the only place near me is a gas station that is so old that you can't pay at the pumps because the pumps don't go over a dollar fifty a gallon, and all it sells is bread, milk, eggs and light beer. In case I want to not get drunk and eat french toast I guess.

    1. So you can buy gas and breakfast at your gas station but not much else. They should just have coffee instead of light beer and stick with the breakfast theme.
