fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Trying Something Different

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Trying Something Different

Usually the first thing I do when I get home from work is start reading other bloggers.

That's usually about when everybody decides they need my attention. It's exactly like being on the phone. I think there's some sort of pheromone mom's exude when they are engaged with other things that makes them irrisistable to teenagers bent on aggravation.

Once they start pestering me, they start pestering each other and I start getting twitchy. Once I get twitchy, I get bitchy. I may or may not even get a little itchy and scratchy.

Either way, any chance I had of being entertained by what I'm reading and writing my own post is pretty much gone.

So rather than fight a losing battle, I'm going to feed the Asshats first, fold a little bit of laundry and maybe even wash some dishes.

Then I'm going to lock myself in my bedroom and play some music.

Plus today's real post has pictures of vomiting strappers and stubborn stackers, and lately Blogger has been an asshole about uploading my pictures.

Asshats plus Blogger being an asshole together requires medication which I don't have because you know - Doctors office = germs.

But hey, while I'm cooking dinner you could go vote for me at Circle of Mom's Top 25 Funny Mom's contest. Maybe get your friends and family to vote too - since I'm nowhere near my goal of making it into the top 100. You can vote your favorites every day until February 13th. 

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PS. That really is vomiting strappers so if you're hoping it's a typo and the post will really be about vomiting strippers sorry about your luck.


  1. Sorry I missed out on vomiting strappers, but vomiting strippers is an occupational hazard. Not many good tips in that gig.

    1. Somehow, the vomit would probably put the tippers off. Just saying.

  2. I think kids are wired with a chip embedded, that can tell when power signals or electrical currents are emitted.
    Even if I took my phone into the furthest corner of Zambia and spoke in a whisper, my child would still pop up and ask me for a sandwich. And the boy can practically hear the browser on a computer opening from a pace of 3 gazillion miles, which is his cue to ask me questions that no human has the answers to.

    I love that line, "Once I get twitchy, I get bitchy. I may or may not even get a little itchy and scratchy." Had me laughing out loud. :)

    1. Whatever it is that allows them to sense impending phone calls, or interest in something like a book or the internet, it seems to work when I'm thinking "oh, maybe I'll go take my shower now" because somebody always beats me in there.
