fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Does This Scooter Make My Ass Look Fat?

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Does This Scooter Make My Ass Look Fat?

Have you ever heard the saying that scooters are like chubby girls - fun to ride as long as nobody sees you?

We have a little yellow scooter at work for getting around. Up until now, I've been resistant to riding it. Mainly because of the likelihood of wiping out and the large audience available to witness any potential humiliation, since I am the girl who ran face first into the back of a pick up truck.

Finally Friday afternoon was the day. Nobody was around and I had to wait for the Shipper/Receiver to finish his stuff anyhow. So I rode the scooter up and down the warehouse until I felt comfortable. It's a little faster than walking. Colder too.

So I used it Thursday and I couldn't resist asking Does this scooter make my ass look fat? I made sure I didn't wait for the answer, it probably would have been What scooter?

While I was learning how to ride a scooter, the employees were learning how to work scissor carts.

 Scissor carts have two sets of wheels. One set is like train wheels. They don't turn, they're metal and they ride on rails. Those are the wheels used while in the rows.

Then there's the other wheels. Four castor type wheels that are used to move the cart from row to row and to turn the cart. These wheels drop down or up, depending on which way the switch is pressed.

Simple right?

It's never simple. Every time I turned around somebody was unable to get their cart on a set of rails because the castors were down and locked onto the end of the rails which is U shaped. Or, they were trying to push the cart sideways with no castors - just the metal wheels grinding along on concrete - sideways.


Vote for me at Circle of Mom's Top 25 Funny Mom's contest. Better yet? Get your friends and family to vote too and help me make my personal goal of being in the top 100. You can vote your favorites every day until February 13th. 


  1. Once they figure out how to work the carts, you guys could race them...loser has to spend the day dealing with the Swinger

    1. If they ever all get the carts figured out, I might have to treat them to coffee in gratitude.

  2. Every time I have worked with stuff like that, I was usually too busy riding it to figure out how it actually worked.

    1. Which is a good thing - except you have to figure it out to a certain point before you can ride it right?

  3. I am also a girl who ran face first into the back end of a pick up truck. And when I say ran, I mean literally RAN, on foot into the truck and bounced off it onto my ass. Right in front of the clique of girls who always tormented me.

    1. That was me when I was a kid. Exactly that.

  4. I have never in my life stepped on a skateboard. At least not intentionally.
