fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: It's Only Embarassing If You Can't Laugh About It

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

It's Only Embarassing If You Can't Laugh About It

I once mooned my elderly neighbors. Completely by accident of course. I was hanging laundry on the clothesline in my nightie and housecoat. For whatever reason I backed out from under a line already hung with something or other. Whatever it was did it's best impersonation of Velcro and before I knew my nightie was up around my neck and my bare white ass saw the sun for the first time ever. I guess I deserved it for hanging out in my PJ's well past noon like a well fed sloth.

Another time my mom was over for tea and my now ex- husband, was visiting the neighbors. Being as they were drinking beer together and the man had the world's smallest bladder he went around the back of the neighbors house to pee.

Seriously - the man was known for stopping on his way into the house to piss on a tree.

The problem is that our neighbors back yard was connected to our front yard. So there's me and my mom sitting at the kitchen table drinking tea while my ex is taking a leak. With a height advantage of 4 feet or so we could see over the fence right down to his shoes.

It's a good thing men only need one hand to pee, because once he looked up and saw us he waved. I'm not sure how many other men out there can claim their mother-in-law has seen their dick, but I don't think it's very many.

A few years later I'm on my way to a trade show in Toronto and my bladder felt like it was going to burst. So I found a service center and headed for the bathroom.

As I'm sitting on the toilet I kind of look down and think wow those are some pretty manly looking boots in the next stall.

Somewhere in between peeing and flushing another thought hits me that smells like man poo. The light dawns - holy shit I'm in the Mensroom!

I'm sorry to say in my mortification, I did not take advantage of my one and only visit to a mens public washroom to see what was different from the ladies.

It's been a couple of years since my last trade show but we always stayed at the same motel because there was an attached bar and about three Steakhouses within walking distance. It wasn't the finest motel in Toronto but hey trade shows are all about the eating and drinking right?

So anyhow after the evening festivities, while I knew I could still find my room I head back to it. Not quite ready to sleep I sat at the desk and fucked around on the internet. The desk chair was one of those seriously hard wood ones with the butt conforming scoop.

Restaurant food doesn't always sit well with me and since I was alone I was ripping off some farts. Very long, very loud farts. Eventually I went to bed.

The next morning I realized that I could hear the people in the adjoining room like there wasn't even a wall. Since I never heard them arrive, I can only assume that they spent the prior evening listening to my butt-trumpet and if they could hear that I'm pretty sure they heard me giggling like a fucking kid at my own farts.


  1. LOL! I once went full monty in front of my neighbours, although in my defence I was in my house and they were standing outside my kitchen window. I still maintain that a shared back verandah does not give them leave to stand directly in front of my place and watch as I wander naked from the bathroom to the kitchen sink.

    1. I have 2 patio doors and a full glass front door, and I only hang curtains or blinds in bedrooms and the bathroom. I also have neighbors on all 4 sides of me. I never walk around unclothed.

    2. Oh yeah - and teenage boys and sometimes their friends roaming around.

  2. Hehehehehe, these are funny. My husband stood in front of the bathroom window at my grandmother's house fully naked once. He thought it was the kind of glass you couldn't see through. Wrong! LOL!

  3. Bahahaha! Glad I'm not the only one who gets herself into these kinds of situations! Thanks for the morning laugh!

    1. I'm actually quite good at it. Everybody has to have a skill in life.

  4. My mother once accidentally flashed my - at the time - very new husband. He still has scars.

  5. This was hilarious! I think my favorite was the slow dawning of "hey, am I in the men's room?" My most embarrassing moment was when I was nursing, and my neighbor, who also had a new baby came over to visit. We took pictures together and I later saw that my nipple was hanging out. Somehow I didn't pull down my shirt or fasten my nursing bra proplerly! Gah!

    PS - Butt trumpets rock!

    1. I know someone who took honeymoon photos of his new bride in the big heart shaped honeymoon tub. She was carefully covered in bubbles with mirrors behind her. He was not covered in bubbles - with the mirrors in front of him. Oops! There are times where it just isn't possible to not laugh at farts like an idiot. That was one of them.

  6. That mensroom must have been in phenomenally good upkeep if you didn't notice the difference right away. One good thing about embarrassing moments is that they make great blog material. If you're not a blogger, though, I guess those moments of embarrassment just really suck.

    1. It was actually cleaner than most service center washrooms. Of course I didn't make it over to the sinks to see if men need to be ducks while washing their hands like women do.

      What the hell do non-bloggers do when they embarrass themselves or funny shit happens?

  7. My skirt blew straight up in the air while I was standing on the deck of the Dewey Short Visitor's Center at Table Rock Dam. Showed my underpants to everyone inside the Center, plus a couple of very surprised fishermen on the shore of the lake, just below us. I tried to act like I do things like that every day. (Because doing something completely stupid like that is SO out of character for me....not.)

    And those farts? Yeah, heard them all the way to Missouri....
