fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: If You Don't Know What You're Looking For, Google Can't Help You

Monday, February 4, 2013

If You Don't Know What You're Looking For, Google Can't Help You

Friday I was risking lifetime mental scars and searching Google Images, trying in vain to find a picture of a scooter. I was willing to settle for remotely similar.

I was not willing to settle for this.

It might be pretty snazzy with the senior set, but it is NOT the scooter I was looking for. I should be grateful that I didn't get back a bunch of pictures of dogs scooting their butts around.

By the way, don't search that ever unless you want to see lots of dog assholes.

So I tried searching by the brand, which I had made note of. Too bad it was only a mental note.

Hmm, it was something to do with moving.

Was it telecommuter? Nah, that's not even close and has nothing to do with moving.

Commuter? Nope that one isn't working.

Transporter? Nope.

This is why my posts usually have no pictures.

Today I took pictures of the actual scooter. It's a Nomad. You can see them here - Does This Scooter Make My Ass Look Fat?.

Now that I knew the right name, for shits and giggles I searched it.

There it is! I guess it helps if you know what you're looking for.

Vote for me at Circle of Mom's Top 25 Funny Mom's contest. Maybe get your friends and family to vote too - since I'm nowhere near my goal of making it into the top 100. You can vote your favorites every day until February 13th. 

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  1. I kinda like the look of the first one. If you can get a flat six in that baby, you're ready to rock.

    1. It kind of looks like the person driving it would also shop for incontinence products....

  2. I wanted to do a bulletin board for the end of preschool of the kids riding off into the sunset on horses. Not being a horse person, I Googled "back end of horse" so I could figure out how to make a pattern of, well, the back end of a horse. Big mistake. Big. BIG.

  3. I agree with David! Lol.. You should check out the Tesla scooters. Very cool.. :)

  4. The picture helps. I was thinking motorized Razor. This makes so much more sense.

    1. Blame my shitty memory for not having the picture in the first place!

  5. Stoopid Blogger!!

    Now I may be chronically fatigued (which is just another word for drunk) but I'm pretty certain that I became a follower of yours during the Dude Write Challenge.
    I thought you hadn't posted for a while, until I saw your post on Mimi's sidebar. It seems that Blogger has volunteered to un-follow 3 bloggers for me. How kind of them.

    Following you...again. :)

    1. Thank you!

      Now it feels more special since you followed me twice.

  6. I often wonder if google is drunk because my searches seem to net me a lot of porn and things totally unrelated to whatever I was searching for

  7. Google being drunk would explain a lot. I just wish they'd quit scarring my retinas.
