fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Who Flushed A Potato Down The Toilet?

Friday, February 15, 2013

Who Flushed A Potato Down The Toilet?

This Monday is a holiday in Ontario. Family Day, an arbitrary holiday the government made up to get votes.

In all of the years it has been in effect I have never been able to take it off. Even worse? The first year the fake holiday was in effect, I was traumatized by the Asshats.

The fake holiday arrived and I went to work, resentful because it was only my department that couldn't afford the lost hours of work to take it off. I supplied young plants and cuttings to the greenhouse industry. In order to have a geranium to plant in your garden come May, greenhouses need those plants in February.

My staff of two and I worked. All damn day.

Then I went home to a clogged toilet. A clogged toilet with shit in it. I don't know about you but the first thing I need to do when I get home from anywhere is go pee.

So there I am with my legs crossed, plunging that mother effing toilet like there is no tomorrow. Only nothing is happening. That's about when I finally tune into the argument that serves as conversation between the Asshats.

Asshat #1: It's your fault.

Asshat #2: No it isn't.

Asshat #1: You're the one who flushed a potato down the toilet.

My Brain: Wait, what did I just hear?


Yes, apparently they were horsing around throwing potatoes at each other. When one went in the unflushed toilet, rather than risk getting shit on themselves they flushed. No matter how big your biggest turd is, it will never be as big as a potato. Of course it clogged the toilet. 

At this point, I decide I've already got a mess on my hands anyhow so I peed. In the clogged toilet. The toilet that contained somebody else's shit. It's the first and hopefully last time I ever feel the need to hover in my own home.

After I peed, I told the Asshats that they created the problem and they had better figure out a way to get rid of the turds and toilet paper so I could fix the problem. Then I did what any sensible woman would do in my situation. I went in my bedroom, locked the door and stuck some earbuds in my ears and had myself a great big crying session.

To this day, I have no idea how they dealt with the turds and toilet paper. I don't want to know.

Then I borrowed a home plumber special from my neighbor. A snake - think 10 foot long boingy door stopper thing.

It did not work.

I have no other options left. I start soaking water and piss and probably poo particles out of the toilet using my Vileda twist mop. I took the tank off first, because all the brains in the world will never give me enough upper body strength to lift an entire toilet. Of course one of the bolts was rusted through and broke. Of course.

There's no turning back now so moving forward, I carefully carried the bowl of the toilet over to the bathtub. Once it was in the tub I used my handheld shower and straight hot water to get that sucker as clean as I could. Then I reached my hand up the toilet and grabbed the effing potato.

It had a perfect hole in it from the snake. Too bad the hole would have been a tight fit for my pinky.

My next problem is I don't have a wax seal. This is a necessary part of putting the toilet back together. Now many women would have called their plumber ex husband at this point. Me? I've always been blessed with more than my fair share of stubborn. I head to Walmart.

Walmart is always open right? I'm pretty sure they're open Good Friday, Easter Monday and Thanksgiving. Walmart isn't open. I guess when the government starts handing out fake holidays for votes, even Walmart feels the need to observe. I go home to the toilet still sitting in my bathtub.

Most of the old wax seal is still there, maybe I can still make it work. I don't know if you've ever seen a wax toilet seal but think ear wax formed into a donut shape and you've got a good mental image. I valiantly suppress my gag reflex and smoosh the ear wax back to almost new appearance and start reassembling the toilet.

Once the bowl was in place, I opened my first beer. Luckily, my ex-husband left all kinds of plumbing goodies in the shed so I manage to find some bolts to re-attach the tank. By the time the tank was back in place I was on my third beer.

This year I'm at a new job but I'm still not taking Family Day off. I took Saturday instead. Family day still makes me shudder.


  1. OMG, that is all kinds of hilarious!
    We had our Family Day for the first time ever this past Monday in BC and I'm not complaining. The only problem was that my kids were home as well... And my husband - who is a plumber by the way ;)
    Also - hole in the potato from the snake? LMFAO!

    1. Pinky sized hole. There is no way in hell any turd or even toilet paper was going through that hole.

  2. No amount of therapy in the world can make the bad memories from that experience go away. I'm fortunate that the only toilet clogs I've ever had to deal with were plunger solved because to go through all you went through... OH HELL NO!!!

    1. I do not know a single person who has re-installed their toilet more often than I have. Not. One. Single. Person.

  3. Oh, HELL NO! I would have

    A: cried. Because - FUCK THAT!


    C: called my neighbor who is a plumber and begged him to help me because The Manchild is effing useless unless it's a car.

    or D: moved and not told the kids where I was going.

    Also - can I just say that I love you to fucking death and back, but that you post WAY TOO OFTEN for me to keep up!? I'm a slacker, and your ass is way too ambitious for me. One of these days, I will read them all. Don't stop though, because I'll need that the next time I get the plague...

    1. I'm sure eventually I'll wind down to three or four posts a week. Most of them are pretty short though.

  4. Ugh, there's nothing worse than a clogged toilet. I learned the hard way that traditional rubber gloves are of absolutely no use. Turns out the toilet bowl is significantly deeper than the length of a rubber glove.

    1. I find that sometimes, you just can't worry about rubber gloves. Thankfully hands wash. Especially since I have yet to be able to keep a pair of rubber gloves alive in my house. It's like there is some sort of weird air that causes them to turn into rubber goo before I get a chance to use them.

    2. I don't even want to imagine all the things the asshats would do with rubber

    3. I have no idea what they would do. I long ago adopted a policy of not bringing anything into the house that had any sort of potential for aggravating me.

  5. Wow, your children are lucky you didn't disown them completely! Maybe you should remind them of that fact on "family day."

    1. I won't deny there were plenty of times over the years that I would have cheerfully raffled them off.

  6. Wow. I would be traumatized too. Monday is a holiday here too. It's President's Day for us. I have it off because I am a teacher. But I will still be working on lesson plans and other paperwork. I do, however hope to get some writing done for my blog. Hope your Saturday is peaceful.

    1. With a 15, 16 and 17 year old it likely won't be peaceful but it will probably be fun.

  7. YOU ARE A FREAKIN' ROCKSTAR!!!!! And, why in the hell are you not a plumber???? They make some serious bucks girl!!!!

    1. Burns. Plumbers get hot shit spattering on them all the time and I'm a huge suck when it comes to burns.

  8. I am so impressed with you! You are a tough woman! I think in a way, though, you should have called your ex-husband, since it was his bad kiddos that cause the trouble. I can't believe they thought flushing a potato would be okay! And why in the heck were they throwing potatoes at each other? Boys can be so randomly weird.

    Bravo to you! Enjoy your Saturday off, at least.

    1. Boys are randomly weird. Best summation of raising boys I've ever heard.

  9. I am never having kids. Never. Nope. None for me. Now if you need me I will be buying condoms and spermicide and every birth control product the store has.

    1. Funny thing, my brother says exactly the same thing.

  10. I've had to do it more than once. Only once to remove a potato though.

  11. Omg. You are so incredibly brave and impressive for doing all of that. At our last apartment, the plumbing was really old and the toilet clogged once in a while. I'm so squeamish, my husband would have to come home from work to deal with it for me! lol Thankfully, our new place doesn't have those problems, but just in case, at least we have 2 bathrooms now.

    1. In the early days of my divorce, I had this mantra. If the idiot can do it anyone can. I tackled a lot of jobs I wouldn't have otherwise attempted that way!

  12. I have all sorts of hateful toilet stories to share. My almost 16 year old shits tree branches. I've actually told him to walk to the gas station to clog their pipes instead of mine. I've used a garden trowel to scoop out the bowl in order to plunge. Do you know how many times a toilet can flush when you break the tank with a hammer? I do! Great story, kids give the world an infinite supply of stupidity.

    1. There is an infinite supply of foolishness in my household. Infinite.

  13. Holy crap. (No pun intended.) Is this what brothers do when left to their own devices?? Good thing my brother had only sisters, because who knows which of his bad ideas (for which he was notorious) would have burned down/exploded/flooded the house?

    1. I can't speak for all brothers, but mine sure got up to some stuff. This is why they were not offered an option when it came to summer employment. It was the only way I could have a relatively stress free summer.

  14. Just... wow. A potato. In the toilet. This has got to be some kind of new unique. Amazing!

    1. What can I say - my guys are some pretty unique individuals.

  15. You rock! Not only did not not inflict painful damage to the Asshats for the potato thing, but you fixed your toilet?? I would be terrified to touch anything plumbing-related, for fear of causing a shit-tsunami. Bravo to you!

    1. I've had that toilet off of it's spot more often than anybody I know. Anybody. Although, I've only once had it in my bath tub getting hosed down. It was the cleanest my toilet has ever been. Ever.

  16. It's a funny thing, my kids have always managed to generate that response in a lot of people. I used to refer to them as the poster children for birth control. I was only half joking.

    Quite honestly, I just wound up with boys more suited to rural life and had to raise them in a small yard in the middle of a built up neighborhood.

  17. I guess I shouldn't be complaining about wiping my four-year-olds' butts, when I know potato-stuffing is coming down the pike! :)

    1. Nah, you can complain - I know I did whenever it was my turn to take on that duty.

  18. You are tough! Seriously. I was trying to plunge the other day...still not quite skilled at it, so I usually end up praying to the porcelain god in a very sober way.

    1. There's a knack to plunging with exactly the right amount of effort to do the job and minimize the splash. That and I try to keep my legs as far back as possible.

  19. I am sooo impressed in more ways than one! No wonder you have a certain "feeling" towards Family Day. I say screw it and stick with your Saturday off!

    1. The Saturday worked out better all the way around. Monday's can be pretty busy at work too so this way there's less catching up to worry about.

  20. I love the Ads by Google that are popping up on your post:
    Toilet Repair
    Unclug Toilet
    Fix Toilet

    Funny, there's no, "Putting up children for adoption" . . .

    1. Sometimes it's hard to get them off your hands even for a day. Especially boys. They seem to go through a stage where they never leave the house.

  21. Oh damn! I'm still getting the hang of toilet plunging and we have one of those water saver toilets that gets clogged all the time. Talk about twice stuffed potato! ;)
