fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: A What In Your What?

Sunday, February 3, 2013

A What In Your What?

When a new blog starts getting hit on by the search engines it's kind of exciting. I'll admit I'm vain enough to see how many pages the searcher had to go through to get to me.

The very first Googled search that led to my blog?

Petrified poop hoarders. I'm the second result for that one.


A cheese grater for your feet. Which seems pretty mundane to me, but then google threw me for a loop.

There are some disturbing individuals out there.

Vote for me at Circle of Mom's Top 25 Funny Mom's contest. Better yet? Get your friends and family to vote too and help me make my personal goal of being in the top 100. You can vote your favorites every day until February 13th. 


  1. Yes, you can find something for every and any one on Google... That's the scary part.

    1. I'm beginning to see the truth of that. Something for everyone indeed.

  2. I sometimes think google is alive. And has an awesome sense of humor.

    1. This is the first time I've ever really paid attention to Google's "suggestions", but I've got to admit seeing the word anus along with cheese grater kind of grabbed MY attention. I'll be paying more attention in the future!

    2. Ok, I went ahead and clicked on it. It seems to a blog of sorts. Gotta admit, I was a tiny bit disappointed. Also their Instagram handle seems to be "my nipples hurt when I twist them". Beats a cheese grater in the anus, I suppose.

    3. This proves it - bloggers as a group tend to search some strange stuff!

  3. That is so funny! Man, I would love to hear the whole story sometimes of what someone was searching for when you read things like that. Or maybe I wouldn't ;)

    1. After the eeuw, I wondered if it was another blogger! I think as a group we search some weird shit.

  4. I don't recall you ever using the words "cheese grater in your anus", but I didn't use the words "flash your boobies" and I get hits from that. I think the twisted ones are at Google and they slip this stuff in to make it interesting.

    1. That's it! It's a conspiracy to make us click it! Which I did NOT do. Some things are not meant to be seen.

  5. I keep getting hits from the search term JACKASS WHISPERER

    I have no idea what that would even be and have never talked about anything like that.

    It makes me want to write a series of posts about camel toes, the White House and webbed feet just to see what would happen to my search terms.

    1. I want to be the Jackass whisperer. Imagine the power of being able to get jackasses to do whatever you want them to.

  6. It always makes me laugh when I see the Google search terms that send people to our site. It's nuts (and sometimes disturbing). Usually I think people who clicked from those must be very disappointed because I don't think they are going to find what they think they are.

    1. Oh no doubt people are often disappointed by what google gives them for their search terms. I know I'm often disappointed by image searches. Sometimes I'm also disturbed.

  7. Oh Mah Gah! I am dying with laughter! People terrify me. However, you check to see if one of those exists. Clearly there is a market for it. Produce it and you will make millions.

    1. I can't even stand cheap toilet paper - never mind a cheese grater!
