fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Homosexuality. You Are Or You Aren't, It's That Simple

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Homosexuality. You Are Or You Aren't, It's That Simple

I was the first born daughter of a first born daughter. Which means that when I was young and we went to visit my Gramma, there were teens in the house. To this day I suspect my youngest Aunt harbors a small grudge against me. It may or may not have something to do with her saying Shh, don't tell Gramma, and me promptly telling Gramma that my aunt was smoking.

My Uncle had a friend who used to live at my Gramma's. He's behind my attraction to dark handsome men. I don't care if I was only five or six, when he came out of the bathroom in his tighty whities, you're fucking right I looked. It was whole hell of a lot more interesting than my Ken doll. Too bad I made the mistake of asking what that bump in front was. After that I never got to see him come out of the bathroom in only his underwear again. It was a better lesson on the value of keeping my mouth shut than my Aunt's ire over the smoking thing.

Then there were the older boys who lived next door to my gramma. One of them is the reason for my attraction to handsome blond men. My lascivious thoughts may have been mostly unformed, I have hazy memories of thinking that a piggy back ride on his shoulders would be dreamy. Even so, I can clearly remember the attraction I felt.

These vague childish memories of finding men attractive have stuck with me for almost forty years, leading me to believe the attraction was strong.

So doesn't it make sense that people are born with their compass already set and pointing in the direction that is right for them? What gives anyone the right to say different?

I'm linking up late with Yeah Write. It's a super community for bloggers who write and writers who blog.



  1. Short and perfect. One of the better blog posts I've read on this topic!

  2. Yes it does. It does make sense. You said it perfectly.

    1. It makes total sense to me. I just wish it made sense to everyone.

  3. I've always maintained we don't get to decide who we find attractive.

  4. I think it is something that comes with birth.

  5. I agree...I think you are definitely born a certain way...

  6. I couldn't agree more. You're attracted to whomever you find attractive.

    1. We don't choose love, it chooses us. It's the same with attraction.

  7. Oh, how I had those same thoughts when I was a very young child. Further proof that you are who you are. I loved, loved this post (for obvious reasons) :)

    1. So first I read your comment and got all warm and fuzzy because I respect your writing so much and you commented on my post. Then I realized just how similar our thoughts probably were when we were young, and kind of spewed my drink laughing.

      Yes we are who we are.

  8. Your "fucking right I looked" was classic!
    And yes I agree sexuality is well, natural, pre-made. Heck my hubby says he wishes he could be gay (Palm Springs! Great skin! Fine wines! Sports cars! Hot guys!) Except he is quite turned off by men. He says it can't be a choice or he'd choose.

    1. He could still do some of that - like the great skin. He just has to be willing to sacrifice the hours of time and money spent on it!

      But in all seriousness, who would actually walk such a tough path by choice?

  9. The heart can't help what the heart wants, right?

  10. Absolutely, you are who you are. Some people's taught beliefs get in the way of this simple truth.

    1. People spouting their "taught" beliefs over rational thought out beliefs kind of irritate me. A lot.

  11. I fell in love with a little girl at school. And a little girl in in a travel catalog. And, well... lots of little girls (I was little too, I must stipulate!)

    It's definitely an innate thing.

    1. That was almost getting creepy - until you stipulated that you were little to.

      Attraction is a very innate thing.

  12. we are who we are. and that is what it is. absofreakinglutely. :)

  13. succinct and right on target. . . unlike so many politicians and law-makers out there. . .

  14. So much awesome.
    Short and perfectly stated.

    1. Thank you. It's something I feel strongly about and this is the first time I've been able to express it clearly.

  15. I can't believe this still have to be "debated". Nice post.

    1. There are a lot of topics out there that I can't believe people are still debating.

  16. I hope someday we can all be this honest and, frankly, practical about sexuality and its roots.

  17. Short and sweet and very very funny.
    Well said. :)

  18. Exactly what I've always said and believed. I know I did not choose to be heterosexual, so why should I believe that it's that way for homosexual people. We each are who we were born to be.

    1. I believe this wholeheartedly. This is just the first time I've been able to express it articulately.

  19. Well said. I don't understand why it's so hard for some straight people to get this. I think they need to read your post.

    1. I don't understand it either. I never will.

  20. Well said! Attraction is rarely a simple matter, but it sure does manifest early.

    1. You're right, it's rarely simple but it does happen early. I've watched my youngest not far out of toddlerhood practice his flirt.

  21. Agree 100% . I don't get people who say otherwise.

  22. You packed a lot of punch into a very small number of words! That's a testament to you as a writer. And I absolutely agree with this, 100%.

    1. Thank you. I've often wanted to post my opinions on this topic. This is the first time I've managed to express them articulately without sounding like a ranty lunatic.

  23. I completely agree. I had a gay friend once say to me "If I had a choice, wouldn't I make an easier choice? I have no choice". You said it just as well as he did. Great piece.

    1. My brother has told me of one of his friends saying the very same thing to him. It's not an easy stroll when your heart sends you down this road.
