fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: The Pride And The Fall

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Pride And The Fall

I've mentioned that I'm supervising solo while the other supervisor is on vacation. It's all good though since we aren't busy and I figure I'll learn a lot. My biggest concern was The Swinger, because he's not a fan of mine.

Friday and Saturday, The Swinger wasn't feeling well. Which is fine - except he kept wanting me to feel how cold his hands were.

My Brain: Dude, you're a swinger. I could watch you wash your hands in bleach and I still wouldn't want to touch them. Now you're sick and you want me to touch your hands! Are you nuts? That's like swishing my hands around in germ stew. 

Finally, I touched them. They were a fuck of a lot warmer than my hands. Then I walked to the washroom like a doctor who had just scrubbed in, and scrubbed my hands with a vengeance.

So Monday, he called in sick. I should have been all Oh my God, how am I going to do all the stuff he normally does. Instead I was all Good, one less day for him to get all pissed off on me.

I learned how to call for a trailer and turn on a reefer. The day went great.

Tuesday he called in sick again. No problem!

My Brain: Yesterday was fine, what's one more day?

This is the stacker - after it was fixed.

Then the stacker got stubborn and wouldn't drop a pallet. The stacker has gears and moving chains and shit.

I have a fear of getting my fingers pinched, or I don't know - severed? I called maintenance.

No more than 30 minutes after maintenance left - the strapper vomited.

I hit the emergency stop and started hunting for a manual. I mean seriously folks - I can thread a Serger so how fucking hard could it be?

Not hard at all. Except first I had to get that carriage way up there to come down. Touch screen computer programming makes it simple, but every time I turn the machine back on it starts spewing again.

What seemed like miles of strapping vomit later, I called maintenance again.

I know how to do it now.

The Swinger is supposed to be back tomorrow. If anyone breathes a word of this to him, I might have to run them through the strapper.

I promise, I'll never run you through the strapper, so go vote for me at Circle of Mom's Top 25 Funny Mom's contest. Maybe get your friends and family to vote too - since I'm nowhere near my goal of making it into the top 100. You can vote your favorites every day until February 13th. 

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  1. The swinger sounds like he might have a bit too much familiarity with the strapper.

    I just made you shudder, didn't I?

    1. Oh yes, you definitely made me shudder. I've got to go shower now.

  2. Eeewwww...what a creep. He wanted you to touch his hands? Yuck! Girl, those machines look dangerous!

    1. I'll admit they make me nervous sometimes, but they're still pretty cool.

  3. You can thread a serger. I bow down.
    Just reading the the word "severed" makes me nervous.

    1. Yep, I can thread a serger, and a labeller too. Of course I've threaded the labeller a lot more often than I've thread the serger for the past couple of years.

      We won't discuss threading the needles. I'm convinced someone is pranking me and replacing them with trick ones that have no eye.
