fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Anal people have anal dogs.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Anal people have anal dogs.

In case you missed it, because really I tried very hard not to bitch about it - much - I worked most of Easter Weekend.

On Good Friday, I finished work in time to make it to my mom's Easter dinner. After the dinner dishes were done. Thankfully there were a lot of hors d'ouvres. 

Saturday I worked until 5, which doesn't seem too bad considering Sunday would be a day off.

The problem is nothing is open Easter Sunday. Even Walmart takes a break from worshiping at the altar of commerce and closes it's doors on Easter Sunday. So I had to run around in panic mode after work and get groceries for the upcoming week. Which left me with pretty much zero weekend.

I didn't even get to see The Polish Guy. Which may have been a good thing since I was an asshole the weekend before. Something about not getting a chance to eat dinner and then consuming alcohol. Does it every damn time.

If I had thought I could get away with it I would have put groceries off until Monday, but I was expecting that I would work until 9pm Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. By that time of night who the fuck wants to go grocery shopping.

Except I only had to work from 6 am to 8 pm. I still didn't feel like going shopping.

Today a miracle happened and we were done at 5. I threatened to kick asses if my Shipper/Receivers didn't have me out the door by 5:15.

We made it out the door at 5:25. I still didn't get home until 7. Wanna know why? Of course you do.

It's because my dog is anal. No not anal glands, even if he does sometimes have issues with those too. See, you know how penne noodles taste different than spaghettini noodles even though they're both made with the same flour?

Well I guess to my dog it's the same with rawhides. He'll only eat the rawhide "chips", rolled rawhides are unaceptable. My local grocery store sells the rolled ones and chihuahua sized chips. I refuse to buy the little ones because he tries to swallow them whole and then I've got to listen to him gag, chew, gag, chew, whine, chew, gag and so on. So I bought the rolls. Which he refused to have anything to do with.

So tonight, because I couldn't take another evening of him sitting with his nose exactly one centimeter from my elbow trying to get me to give him something I did not have, I made the effort to go get him some damn chips.

Lucky for my dog, I'm just as anal about my pasta so I get it. 

You're welcome puppy.


  1. I had no idea that penne and spaghetti tasted different! hahaha

    1. Oh completely. As does macaroni, and radiators and scooby doo's.... Can you tell I really really like pasta?

  2. I'm picky about pasta too!! It's a texture thing I guess. I love me some bow ties!


    Valerie Nunez and the Flying Platypi

    1. Bow ties are one of the few pastas I'm not fond of. They come un-bowtied whenever I cook them and it sets off my pasta freak alarm bells.

  3. Aw, that's a happy puppy!! And you are a good momma :) My dog likes only the braided rawhides, not the rolls or the chips. So, of course that is what I hunt for. I spend way more money and energy on my pets' snacks and food than I do my own...and it sounds like you do, too.

    1. I think I might do that. I know I spend a lot more time hunting for what he likes. While I was getting his dog food and chips I almost bought a new toy. $19.99 - but it has 19 squeakers in it. Only the thought of him squeaking the damn thing in the early morning hours convinced me to put it back.

  4. Our dogs like the chips too. We call them flip chips because our previous dog would take one and flip it into the air and play with it until she was ready to eat it. I agree about the pasta, too. I love Penne because of it's texture and the fact that it "holds" any sauce you put on it.

    Your puppy looks very happy with you now!

    1. My mom calls them flips too - only her dogs won't eat them. They have to have the rolls.

  5. He's pretty cute. ;)

    Here's hoping you get this weekend off and you get to see The Polish Guy!

    1. Well I won't get Saturday off, but at least I won't have to run errands after work which should help make the weekend more relaxed.

  6. One of my cats only likes soft cookies, so I get that.

    1. And because we love our pets, we go out of our way to make sure we give them what they like don't we?

  7. My dog does not appear to enjoy rawhides. All he wants are deer bones that he drags in from the forest. Which understandably, I do not want him to have.

    1. I'm pretty sure if mine had access to deer bones, he would be all over them too.

  8. The title had me going a totally different direction with this... but I think you get that. ;)

    1. Ah, you were expecting something a little more lascivious than my dog's love for rawhide chips weren't you?
