fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: This is why my lawn is always a mess.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

This is why my lawn is always a mess.

Early this week the sun was shining and the air was soft and full of spring smells. I looked at my yard and saw the shaggy look of a lawn just breaking dormancy.

I rarely have the energy or desire to mow the lawn when I get home from work, even on those occasions where I have the time. Usually weekdays are a scramble to get a meal put together, enough clothing washed that everyone can leave the house the next day and a few minutes to myself.

So I have to wait for the weekend. Call it Murphy's law, call it what you will, but most weekends in the early spring seem to wind up being wet and rainy. Too wet for cutting grass.

This year mother nature offered up a special surprise - snow.

I suspect that once again my grass will be a foot tall with new spring growth before I'm able to cut it.


  1. I thought the whole point of having sons was that you didn't have to mow or shovel anymore?

    1. That sounds like a beautiful dream. Up until this summer, my youngest hasn't had the pleasure. He will this year, along with the older one.

  2. Our lawn is just getting to be more grass than snow. Before I can even think about mowing, there's all of the crap that the dogs have drug in to clean up and the spider web of extension cords I had strung out for Christmas lights to clean up.

    Maybe the snow wasn't so bad?

    1. I've got to do poop patrol before I cut mine. Not looking forward to that.

  3. While the same weather patterns may not be a factor for me (that and the fact that I don't have a lawn, but go with me on this), I might probably have the same problem based on the mere fact that I'm lazy.

    1. Some of the time the state of my lawn is due to the fact that I may or may not be lazy as well.

  4. I im not big on mowing, but I do love planting flowers!! I can't wait for it to be warmer so I can start!


    Valerie Nunez and the Flying Platypi

    1. I think I've spent too many years in the horticultural industry to ever much enjoy flowers.

      When you plant them, do me a favor and plant the tag too - you have absolutely no idea how much work those effing things are to get to the place that grew your flower.

  5. That always ALWAYS happens to us, too!! You wait for the weekend...BAM RAIN. It happens when we are wanting to take in Christmas decorations, too. The minute we have time, it rains and you have to leave the up to dry out. --The Dose Girls

    1. I don't have any decorations to worry about - just the dog poop piles.

  6. Every time I see our grass is getting long I fantasize about owning some goats or sheep or something that would eat it while I watched them from the shade. Which is how grass should be cut, really. Except I kinda don't think that is going to happen for a while.

    1. Since I couldn't get the effing thing started - goats and sheep are looking like a good alternative here as well.

  7. Can't you pay someone a quarter to do that for you? No? Maybe just let it all grow out then.

    1. I have this ridiculous motto that I live by - why pay someone to do what you can do yourself.

      That motto is soooo working for me.

  8. I refuse to cut the grass, besides, I don't want to put a gardeners out of work. It's a tough economy.

    1. I'm officially puke green with envy. Not so much that you have a gardener - just that you can afford one.
