fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: I'm Still Wondering What Happened

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I'm Still Wondering What Happened

Friday was fine. We talked about when we were going to take vacation. We talked about trying to overlap our week at the cottage with his sister again. I mentioned that I had enjoyed spending time with her and her husband last year and I was hoping for an extra day with them this year.

Saturday was fine. In the shower together, he asked if there was any more soap. I told him I didn't know if he had any, I hadn't done his shopping. He said "I noticed." I jokingly replied that grocery shopping fell under the rule "if you want the milk, buy the cow." It's an old theme so there was no anger in it, just play.

Sunday morning he went to work, I went home to my chores.

Monday and Tuesday were both late nights for me. When I finally stopped for the evening, I noticed the time. I realized he hadn't called but by then it was too late to call him - he would have been sleeping.

Wednesday I arrived home to an empty house. Quiet is a rare thing here, so I took the opportunity to catch up on some reading. I heard someone come in and thought maybe it was my neighbor. I entered the kitchen in time to see The Polish Guy set a box on the table.

One single box. It didn't contain much. A nighty, a lamp, a container of dog food and a couple of dog toys. Four years of happiness and love in one single box.

I felt the blood drain from my face. I started to ask why but then pride took over. "It's too bad, we had something that was pretty special."

The Polish guy shrugged his shoulders.

"I hope you have a nice life" was the only thing I had left to say.

Two weeks later, I'm still wondering what happened.



  1. Awe ... This makes my heart hurt for you Vanessa :(

    1. Thanks Cheryl. Time will pass, it will get better. I've just got to wait for it to fade.

  2. I'm so sorry Vanessa. Not knowing what the hell happened sucks worse than knowing

    1. It would be so much easier to understand if we had argued or something. Ah well, life.

  3. Ugh. Really? I'm so sorry to hear that. Not knowing is the worst. Big hugs!!! xo

    1. Thank you. I know it will eventually fade and I'll be okay. I can't say I'm enjoying the process though.

  4. I'm very sorry to hear this.. I have resigned myself to the fact that sometimes we'll just never get the answers we seek.. It sucks but eventually, like you say, everything fades.. Sadly.. :(

  5. How sad. Knowing is so much easier and even then its agonizing. Sending good vibes.

  6. what the hey????!!!! oh man! so sorry you're hurting, but i really think anyone who would leave like that after so long without at least a conversation... is no good.

  7. Not having closure is the WORST. I'd ask him.

  8. WTF?!??? I seriously just got a sick feeling in my stomach. dammit!

  9. OH MY GOD. Seriously?? Four years and just like that with no explanation?? How are you doing? Any word from him at all?? This is just awful. We are SO SORRY.-The Dose Girls

  10. Vanessa, I am sick to my stomach for you.
    How could he walk away with no explanation? How could he walk away at all?
    Somehow saying that "good things fall apart so better things can fall together" doesn't cover everything I want to say to you. I want to tell you that you deserve someone who gives you answers. You deserve someone who will "buy the cow" before 4 damn years. You deserve someone who will protect you from this sort of pain and disappointment instead of subject you to it.
    I'm so sorry you are having to process this right now and that you have no rhyme or reason to rationalize with.

    I agree that this too shall pass, and I wish that it passes by quickly for you.

  11. I feel like we never get the answers we want. It is so frustrating. Sorry- hugs :(

  12. Don't ask him - no answer is better than an unsatisfying one.

    1. I actually once got an answer ten years later, and it was helpful.

  13. What the hell? Really? You definitely deserve better than someone who would simply walk away with no explanation after four years. I am so, so sorry.

  14. I'm so sorry Vanessa. I admire your strength for saying what you did and leaving it at that. I agree with Jenn; having no closure is so difficult. Hugs. xx

  15. I have one word: Coward (Polish guy--not you). I like the stark writing style. I think the list of days works really, really well to illustrate your point.

  16. Oh... This is so sad. I'm sorry you're going through this.

  17. I'm sorry you're hurting right now. I hope you find your answers one day soon.

  18. Many, many hugs. Not knowing is truly the pits. Much love, sista...

  19. Ack!!! What happened??? So hard.

  20. I'm so sorry. Sounds like you deserve much better than him!!
