fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Just another slice of inappropriate

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Just another slice of inappropriate

When #2 gets together with The Polish Guy's two teenagers it can be a comedy show. I've got to start recording this shit - it's that damn funny.

Last night, just before I got into bed I remembered my glasses were still tucked into my pants pocket. The pants were hanging in the bathroom, so I went to get them.

#2: Are you naked?

Me: What the hell? Of course I'm not naked. Why would you even think that.

Seriously - I have never made a habit of strolling around unclothed. That would be gross.

#2: Just the way you went into the bedroom and came right back out.

Me: I was getting my glasses.

I returned to bed, but wanted to give him back an Eew moment.

Me: I should have told you I was going to get my Dildo.

#2: Eeew

The Bonus Kid: Eeew

Wanting to steer the conversation away from the possibility that I might actually own such a thing I piped up again.

Me: I've never actually bothered - I always figured you guys (meaning the Asshats) would find it and steal the batteries to run a remote controlled car or something.

I can hear the conversation continuing between #2 and The Bonus Kid, each of them coming up with different implausible scenarios between #1, #2 and a dildo.

Then it happened.

#2: Dildo Fight!

Which triggered a slide show in my head.

Remember when you were a kid and you would have sword fights with the paper tubes from wrapping paper? Replace paper tubes with neon colored dildos.

You've met the Asshats - it could have happened.

Now picture Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader facing off - only instead of Light Sabers they've got neon colored dildos. Yes I know - I just desecrated Star Wars.

For accuracy, is it Luke that gets the green dildo? 


  1. Thanks. Thanks so much for that imagery. Now I'm not going to be able to watch Star Wars ever again.

    1. Of course you will, you'll just laugh inappropriately whenever the light sabers come out.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you. It had me randomly giggling through the day.

  3. Oh, good, something to amuse me the next time I watch any Star Wars related movie. They need perking up :)

    It cracks me up the most, though, that he asked you if you were naked! Can you imagine if you walked around like that with your kids there, and other kids, too?! Although I shouldn't laugh...I'm sure there are parents that do that.

    1. It was such an unlikely thing to ever happen - I think I might have almost missed a step when he said it.

  4. OMG! We need a dildo slingshot! Or maybe a dildo crossbow. Whichever.

    1. I'm laughing at the image of a bunch of dildos flying through the air.

  5. Replies
    1. I've spent some time snickering over the mental images. I'm sure these thoughts never crossed my mind until I raised boys.
