fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: I Don't Miss Working in an Office

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I Don't Miss Working in an Office

Up until last August, I worked in an office. It was clean, relatively quiet and the hours were a whole lot more regular. I was also kind of good at it.

Where I work now for most of the year there are forty to sixty other people working in my department. If somebody is making me feel twitchy and bitchy I have the option of biting my tongue and backing away. Somebody else will likely make me laugh and the twitchy feeling will go away.

In most offices there are only a handful of other people. I spent a lot more of my day talking to or hearing people that may not have been my favorite that day. I also got to spend a lot more time pulling little daggers and other sharp objects out of my back.

Once in a while, I wish I was back at my old job with it's regular hours and familiar tasks. Then one of the ladies from the office calls me.

Usually she drones on and on in a monotone voice that I can barely hear about some relatively minor thing. Sometimes she complains about how difficult somebody else is making her job.

She reminds me of me when I worked in an office.

I may not have figured out what I want to be when I grow up, but I know I don't want to be that me again.


  1. I work in an office and I hate it. I get to sit in a cube all day and not see the outside. But I do enjoy the hours and not working weekends. But how I would love an outside job!!


    Valerie Nunez and the Flying Platypi

    1. I would love a stay at home in my pajamas job, but office wouldn't be my first choice anymore.

  2. When I worked in an office I remember that feeling. Although, I sometimes crave to talk to adults during the day other than a toddler. I'm sure I will change my mind once I'm back there again.

    1. I like it better that there are so many different people where I work. There's always someone who will make me laugh.

  3. Excellent points! So glad you've found a place where you are happy!!
    Plus, where would we get our sexy tomato photos? --Lisa

  4. I was on light duty once and had to work in the office. It was awful. I wouldn't want to have to do it again, but I would, just to have a job.

    1. Like you, if it was the only job available I would take it. But if I'm going to make a change by choice - it won't be to office work.

  5. And that's why I teach preschool! I worked many years in office settings before going back to teaching. Now I have recess. And snack time. And playdough. And silly songs and dances. And hugs. And hilarious stories. I hope I NEVER have to go back to an office.

    1. I don't blame you at all. Doing something you love might still be work, but at least it's enjoyable work.

  6. I feel the same way about banking. Sometimes I miss it - well, the income anyway - but then I remember everything else that came along with that fat paycheck. I enjoyed the media though. Sure the pay sucks & there's some time at a desk, but usually you're out on assignments all day & every day is just a little bit different.

    1. Great pay isn't always the most important thing. We spend a lot of our lives at work - doing something we enjoy makes that time go by faster.

  7. I work in an office, and what is the hardest for me are all the catty, gossipy women. They are so awful. There are only a few I trust, and the rest, I'm pleasant to and that's it. There's a whole group of them that go out together on weekends, and I've gone a few times, but seeing them get trashed and talk about whoever isn't there was about all the 'fun' I could take. I'd rather sit home and scrub my tile with a toothbrush than subject myself to that.

    1. The worst part for me is getting sucked into that. Knowing that I am part of the problem doesn't make me like myself very much.

  8. I'm an office dweller, but I don't seem to have the same problems as a lot of the other commenters. I quite like my job, and I love the people I work with (barring the usual few exceptions). I'm lucky, I guess.

    1. On the innerwebz you come across as a very sunny optimistic person. That probably means you don't get sucked into the whole backstabbing thing. I do and I don't like myself when I'm part of the problem.

  9. Never turn and look back at office life with nostalgia. Remember it as the hive of horrors that all offices are. Cubicles breed contempt. Congratulations on escaping.

    1. Thanks Pickleope - I don't really miss the environment. I miss knowing what each season would bring, knowing I'm good at what I do and weekends and statutory holidays. The rest I can happily live my life never ever experiencing again.

  10. I've been working for myself for over ten years now and there's no way I could go back ... i'm such a good boss I've spoiled my self.

    1. Should I ever be so lucky, or so good at something that I can enjoy working for myself and still paying bills? I'll never look back.
