fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Somebody owes somebody some something something

Friday, April 5, 2013

Somebody owes somebody some something something

Friday night sitting in the "Man Cave" with The Polish Guy and we're watching a movie. Religulous, which is marginally less bad than the last movie we watched - Stuck. I can honestly say the average tampon commercial is more entertaining than either of them.

I left this at home waiting for me. 

 And this.

So you could say, I owe him sexual favors for giving me a place to go where I can't see that shit.

Or realizing those dishes are going to be even harder to scrub, and that pile of laundry will have grown to epic porportions by the time I am home long enough to deal with it - you could say he owes me sexual favors.

I'm a selfish bitch so I'm going with option B.

Weekend Funnies #6


  1. Replies
    1. It's too bad the dishes and laundry don't just magically disappear when I'm away.

  2. Hehehehehe, make him give you a massage, too. ;-)
    Those dang dishes and laundry never learn how to do themselves!

    1. Bahahaha - as if that's going to happen! ;-)

  3. You mean your boys didn't clean up the kitchen and do the laundry while you were gone?! BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

    1. Oddly enough, no they didn't. I shouldn't complain about that though - the last two weekends they have helped me out some.

  4. Haha. Teenagers and dishes and clothes piles, oh my!

    1. They either grow exponentially or replenish themselves daily.
