fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Best hump day without a hump ever!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Best hump day without a hump ever!

Remember the lift-truck certification I was supposed to do today?

I was nearly sick over it this morning. For the first 3 hours I was at work I was ready to burst into tears over the slightest thing. FYI - there may have been a little PMS happening too.

I went for the written part, and found out the actual drive-test would have to be another day. The trainer was off sick.

When I told my co-supervisor? He informed me he knew that first thing in the morning. No need to send flowers - he should be fine by tomorrow.

In other news - for the past week I've been working some long hours. Today, salvation arrived.

In the form of 8 boisterous, loud and fast as hell Jamaican ladies.

I knew last night they were going to be here, so I mentioned to one of our year-round workers (who is from Barbados but refers to herself as Jamaican) that for sure we were going to get out of there by 5 tonight.

She told me Don't hang your hat too high.

I only hung it a little too high - we were done at 6, but I don't have to go in until 7 tomorrow.


Work just got fun y'all.

In addition to their lovely fast as hell selves - they came bearing gifts.

That green ribbon at the bottom of the label? It says OVERPROOF RUM.

I might take some Advil before I drink that.

Just to round of this lovely hump day even if there's nary a hump in sight? 

Scary Mommy

That's right - I'm on Scary Mommy! 5 Ways Teens Are Grosser Babies!

Don't forget to come back on the weekend to link up for Weekend Funnies #2.


  1. Rum cream? That sounds good to me! Enjoy yourself!

    1. I've never had it before - I'm guessing it's something like Baileys. I'll let you know!

  2. i love when a test gets postponed but you still have to do it, maybe you should keep some of the rum for the day of the one will know

    1. Or save it for after - either as consolation or celebration.

  3. Rum cream!? I didn't know that existed. Awesome!!!

    1. Everything I've heard makes me suspect it's the Jamaican version of Bailey's Irish Cream.

  4. Rum cream?! I'm SO coming to work with you!

    Don't stress about the test. You will ACE it. I can feel it! Good luck!

    1. It's been delayed at least one more day. The person who is certified to give the test is still off sick.

  5. Rum cream? You'll have to tell us how it tasted!

    1. I'll let you know! Probably Friday or Saturday. Possibly via drunk tweets - there IS three bottles of the stuff.

  6. Laughed out loud at the no need to send flowers part! BWAH!-The Dose Girls
