fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Now that nobody's home during the day, I'd love being a stay-at-home mom.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Now that nobody's home during the day, I'd love being a stay-at-home mom.

I would be lying if I said I enjoyed being a stay at home mom when my kids were little. I mean don't get me wrong - I'm grateful it was an option for me.

It just wasn't a very fulfilling option. Maybe if we had a computer with internet and I had been writing a blog at the time I might have enjoyed it.

Picturing the things they would have gotten up to if I had been glued to a computer all day just gave me the shudders. I would have had an awesome mommy blog though. My readers would have been pissing themselves at the antics of my two.

Asshat #1 before he was an asshat: Mom, can I have some cheese?

Me: Yes, but please don't feed it to the cat again. It makes him puke.

Asshat #1 before he was an asshat: Mom, Casey pooked!

Every. Damn. Time.

I would have gotten a weeks worth of posts out of the time I napped a little bit longer than their nap - and woke up to find them peeling up my kitchen floor tiles. Followed by the late night of peeling the rest of the tiles up so we could re-tile. You know the sticky of peel-and-stick floor tiles doesn't come off right?

We discovered that cats and sticky floors are fucking hilarious. One of them would run right across and be fine. The other one would stop after every step to try to shake the sticky of his paw, giving the other three paws a chance to get firmly stuck. Every once in a while we would gently toss him into the middle of the floor. Just for shits and giggles.

We were young and yes we were assholes. There may or may not have been alcohol involved.

Who wouldn't drink after their lovely children had destroyed a floor?

These days though the Asshats are off doing their own thing during the day - one at work, the other in school or working for the summer.

I finally feel like I could rock the whole at home mom thing, if it weren't for those pesky details like feeding and sheltering the asshats.

Weekend Funnies will go live tomorrow at 5 pm. That's 5 pm my time - Torontoish. Which happens to be the same time zone as Bogota Columbia. I never could keep that time zone stuff straight.

It will stay live until Sunday midnight.

Still no button, so no back links yet - but I work Saturday's so your help in tweeting and facebooking and otherwise encouraging people to check us all out would be appreciated.

I also ask that you make a diligent effort to read your fellow link-uppers. It's a weekly link-up so if you have to go to Cousin Kate's wedding on Saturday and Uncle Bert's 50th birthday party on Sunday, maybe this isn't your weekend. We'll be here for you the weekend after.

I still want to be a stay-at-home mom to my dog though.  


  1. I did not enjoy staying at home when my kids were young either, but I think it was because I was so damn afraid of them. I'm so not a baby/toddler person.

    1. If I had been in a different situation, I probably could have enjoyed it - but not nearly as much as I would enjoy seeing them off to work/school and having the house to just me and the dog.

  2. I'm truly sorry we missed the potential of you blogging about toddlers! But maybe it was for the best because you might have burned out and we wouldn't hear all of the asshat stories. We NEED those!! -The Dose Girls

    1. When I stop and think about it, I'm pretty bummed out that I didn't start blogging 10 years ago.

      It's probably a good thing for humanity though. Could you imagine how many people would be refusing to EVER have children?

  3. I want to be a stay at home mum too. I want to wear 50's style dresses, and pin curl my hair, and wear an apron while baking cookies.

    I don't have any kids though, or a husband ... do you think that might be a problem?

    1. I don't see a problem with the lack of husband or kids, that's what makes it pleasant! I don't see a problem with the pin curls and cookies either - if that's your thing.

      My thing would be sitting in my PJ's while fucking around on the internet, with the occasional load of laundry getting washed.

      Damn that need to earn a living.

  4. I'm not a mom, but wish I had a blog when the kids were younger. I might have been a way to dispel frustration. I love my kids, but I would never do it again.

    1. I wouldn't do it again either. I would have been one of those mommy bloggers that gets the comments "well if you got off the computer once in a while, maybe your kids would be better behaved". I'm sure of it.

  5. do you need kids to be a stay at home mum? what about imaginary ones or uh sock puppets, i really want to stay at home

    1. I think it would be way more fun with a sock puppet.

  6. I have no idea how women parented before he internet and all it entails. Did you actually play with your children? Sheesh!!!!

    1. Sometimes. Most of the time though? No. Call me weird but I thought children should have the ability to entertain themselves. Perhaps I should have guided that ability in more acceptable directions though.

      We did used to have quite the neighborhood hang out at our sandbox though. 10 kids clustered around a 4 foot square sandbox getting along for an entire afternoon is something to see.

  7. I didn't used to think I wanted to be a stay at home mom, but there are times I wish I could. I actually would love to have a decent paying at home job that did not include taking care of other people's children. But, honestly, I got it pretty good since I can spend summers with my kids.

    1. Even with older kids - there are still times they could use me at home a little bit more than what I am.
