fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: I'm not a procrastinator, I'm just on permanent daylight saving time.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I'm not a procrastinator, I'm just on permanent daylight saving time.

Falling back in November was horrible and made me bitchy. I always felt like I was struggling with time, so I was really dreading losing that hour on Sunday.

Surprisingly, I actually seem to be rocking this whole Spring ahead thing.

Yesterday flew by, my brain thinking it was an hour earlier than it really was. No clock watching for this chick. Before I knew it, it was lunch time and then I blinked and it was time to go home.

On a Monday of all things. Usually that bitch is kicking my ass all over the place. Maybe she forgot to change her clocks?

Work dragged a little bit today but since it was our second "done at 5 tonight and start at 8 tomorrow" in a row I've got no complaints.

That does happen once in a while - the no complaints part.

Then I got home and holy shit, I've actually accomplished something. Dishes are washed, supper is almost ready and laundry is in progress. All an hour earlier than it usually happens.

See - I'm not really a procrastinator. I'm just permanently on Daylight Saving Time.


  1. I hate the time change...the springing ahead always takes me at least a week to adjust. Since we live in a society where we have electricity and don't have to stop working when it gets dark out, I don't get why we still do this.

    On the up-side, it is nice to come home after work and it's still light out :)

    1. That is the nice part. Still coming home in the light is a pleasure. One I probably won't have for long - my current job hours seem to be from dark to dark, whatever time that might happen to be.

  2. I flew to California on Friday before DST and my clock has been completely off. Also, it is in the 80's and sunny here, so not only did I change time zones multiple times, but I changed seasons. Next week, New Orleans for work. I am going to be completely screwed in terms of body clock.....But, you go girl!

    1. If I were to travel like that there would be no living with me for at least a week after.

      As for the seasonal change - I had at least 3 of those today. The hot flash kind, not the traveling kind. I went from wearing a coat and sweater over a t-shirt to all variations of those layers.

      The t-shirt stayed on through all of them though. No need to scar anyone for life by walking around in my bra.

  3. Daylight saving time hasn't arrived over here yet. I've forgotten what it feels like to wake up to sunlight. I so wish I had your energy right now. Even Sloths are envious of my procrastinating skills. :)

    1. I'm sure my procrastinating skills will be back up to snuff as soon as my brain catches up to the time change. Until then, I'll enjoy the burst of energy.

  4. My girlfriend hates the entire concept of DST and complains about it for two weeks afterward. If we ever get married, I swear we will move to a part of the world where they don't do this.

    1. I used to hate it too. Now that it's earlier in the year it doesn't bother me at all. I still think we should lose the hour from a weekday though.

  5. I love it this time around. My son was getting up at 6:30; now he's getting up at 7:30. Hooray for me!

    1. It used to bother me when it was later in the year. I would just be at the point where it was light out going to work and we would be stuck back in gloom again. Now that it's in March it doesn't faze me at all.

  6. I have always thought I was about the only one alive that liked the DST thing. I love it being light outside longer in the evening. I dunno, it always feel like a really deep breath of fresh air to me.

    1. I've only enjoyed it since they moved it to March. Before that it was always a disappointment to have to go back to getting up in the dark.
