fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Cavaliers don't jump ramps - Weekend Funnies #5

Friday, March 29, 2013

Cavaliers don't jump ramps - Weekend Funnies #5

When my guys were little, Good Friday was the day for coloring Easter Eggs. One year, we were blessed with lovely spring weather, so the boys and their friends spent the afternoon outside jumping ramps with their bicycles. We live on a dead end alleyway, so all the kids used to hang out over here.

After supper we colored eggs and once finished it was time to give a couple of boys rides home. It had gotten dark by this time. I backed my car out of the driveway and then went forward. One tire went up and over something.

The bicycle ramps.

So now I've got two boys who need a ride home and a car that's hung up on two plywood ramps. Fun stuff!

Weekend Funnies #5

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  1. I've never gotten my car stuck on a bike ramp. But I have been launched off a bike ramp in a wheeelbarrow. Not when I was a kid either, this was 3 years ago. Proof that you never outgrown being an idiot

    I tried to link up and can't get it to work. I tried putting your badge in my post, then on my sidebar and it still says I'm missing a idea what I'm doing wrong :(

    1. Try just adding a link to my blog in your post? Your wheelbarrow story has me thinking of a potential future post...
