fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Feeding a cold, and I want to be a professional napper when I grow up.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Feeding a cold, and I want to be a professional napper when I grow up.

I've revised my opinion. I've definitely got man flu (sorry guys, I only make fun of you because I'm jealous of your ability to cough without peeing your pants). Truly, I think I was run over by the flu bus at some point yesterday.

I can't remember if it was before or after I actually had somebody show me how to copy and paste. Let me rephrase that - first he showed me how to highlight.

Really, I kind of get it. His excel files are very complicated with one file needing cells copied from another page and even another workbook. But seriously? I've spent the past 5 years extracting data from SAP (accounting software) and creating pivot tables to analyse it. I think I can handle it a simple little copy and paste operation.

Plus - I can highlight, copy and paste in about 50 less keystrokes than it took him.

It could be worse - I once had a boss show me how to save as.

Either way, after working until 7:30 I pretty much came home and died. 

Today I woke up at the ungodly hour of 4:30 am to be at work for 6 today. I talked myself out of calling in sick.

Come on V, you can at least go in and do your paperwork.

Once the paperwork was done - you can at least make first break. After break it was lunch and after lunch it was 2pm and I completely caved.

I came home and spent the afternoon sleeping like it was my job.

If sleeping was my job, I could completely rock it. I would probably earn promotions and raises and everything. No really - I'm very good at sleeping. I could wake up at 6, head to work and be sawing logs by 7. Break at 9 and back to sleep until lunch? No problem!

I think I just figured out what I want to be when I grow up. A professional napper.

By suppertime, I had enough of the achy, stuffy need to breath and headed to the grocery store for medicine and quick to cook food.

You're supposed to feed a cold right? I know I always want to feed mine. Something about the lack of perceptible taste makes me want to just keep shoveling the food in.

I ate half a container of sugar donuts on the way home. They did a lovely job of scratching the roof of my mouth. And somehow relieving a little bit of the itch in my ears. Still, I'm kind of glad I didn't go for the 2 for $6.00 and stuck with one. My ass does not need the temptation.


  1. Well you did a great job of feeding it, hopefully it'll all be fine now!

  2. Sorry you are sick! You definitely need to make sure you get enough rest. That's the key to getting better more enjoy your job sleeping :)

    And enjoy those donuts! I don't think calories count when you are sick :)

    1. I'm not so much sorry I'm sick as ticked off I am. On the plus side, my smoking is way down to almost nonexistent. It's looking like a good week to slap a nicotine patch on and call it quits.

  3. Feel better, V! I am glad you know how to rest. Please teach me. Or throw away my computer - The Thief of All Rest.

    1. Usually I'm pretty good at the resting part.

  4. Oh my! "I am jealous of your ability to cough without peeing your pants." Still laughing, mostly because it is so true for me.

    Hope you feel better soon.

    1. It is true - have you ever seen a man cross his legs before coughing or sneezing?

      Neither have I.

  5. I always make a point of going to work when I'm sick, then leaving midway through the day. Don't want to leave them in any doubt about how close to death's door I am!

    Hope you're feeling better soon.

    1. I just didn't want to waste time off being sick. Which I've ended up doing anyhow.

  6. I hope you feel better soon. Being sick sucks. And, I'm with you, I could totally be a professional napper!

    1. I'm very good at it - when conditions are right.

  7. Feel better soon!

    And yes, you're totally supposed to feed a cold. I'm pretty sure all food consumed during a cold or flu is completely devoid of calories.

    (Is devoid even a word?)

    1. I'm pretty sure devoid is a word - and grateful that those donuts have no calories. Since I ate most of them.

  8. OOOO where do I apply for a professional napper job?? Can I wear fuzzy pjs? Can I bring my own pillow? lol

    1. See I was thinking of this as a work from home type thing - but I kind of like your idea better - especially as I am considering whether I can stay vertical long enough to launder my bedding.

  9. OH MY! powdered cake donuts are ssoooo good! Except you can't eat them without ending up looking like a crack addict.

    I hope you feel better.

    1. I've never been able to eat anything without wearing some of it, so I completely get what you're saying.

  10. Hope you feel better soon. I once had a supervisor (not even my own supervisor, mind you) stop and show me how to clear my browser history. He was so proud of himself, I didn't have the heart to tell him I already knew how to do it, that I didn't even use Internet Explorer & he was using the slow method.

    1. I hate Internet Explorer. My oldest got me hooked on Firefox years ago and I can't really stand anything else I've tried.

  11. Oh god I hate going to work sick. All I want to do when I am sick is watch TV. Which is funny becasue I haven't had TV for about 6 years. But, vapid, useless programing of no redeeming social value is all my brain wants when I am down. Go figure.

    1. If I had tried to watch TV today it would have been through my eyelids - which is pretty much how I read all day.

  12. If you find that gig, I want in. Powdered donuts are the best thing for a cold. The government is hiding this information from us because their campaign funds come from Campbells.

    1. The next best thing would have been Nutella on toast. Nutella for the chocolate - toast for scratching an itchy throat.

  13. I've found that just before a cold hits (probably while my body is trying to fight it off) the slightly elevated temperature is quite a pleasant feeling. But then comes the scratchy throat that can only be soothed with chocolate chip cookies and fresh orange juice - gallons of it. And after that the sneezing and triple strength Depends. Bed rest and lots of crappy daytime TV with frequent drifting off is essential. But the following days are awful. You start to cough and discover your intercostal muscles have stiffened up from all that sneezing and hurt so much, all you can manage is a sort of ahem. Plus everybody thinks it's time you were back at work, even though you feel worse than at the sneezing stage because by now you have blocked sinuses and a thumping headache and you're pretty sure your lungs are filling up with fluid because you can't cough properly and you're probably suffering from nicotine withdrawal as well.
    Vanessa, you have my sympathy.

    1. I did the drifting off thing very well today. Such a waste of a day off. Oh well.

  14. Feel better, kiddo. By the way, try peeing ON PURPOSE and then coughing at the same time. Can't be done. So why the hell does it leak out when you aren't TRYING to pee? Could this be a future science fair project?

    1. I'm so going to test that out the next couple of days.
