fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: This is why there's always dog snot on my rearview mirror.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

This is why there's always dog snot on my rearview mirror.

There's not a whole lot to see here, unless you're into cute - just roughly 5 minutes of my dog Louie going spaz on the way to Gramma's.

Excuse the Cottonelle in the back seat - I'm a toilet paper hoarder when that stuff is on sale. 


  1. Aw, he's so excited to see his grammie :) My dog diff lots of head tilting while I watched it, wondering what was wrong with that other dog!

    1. While I was uploading it - Louie was wondering what was going on too. That goes on for the entire 15 minute drive by the way. And it's only when we're going to Gramma's. Any other car trips he's a perfect gentleman.

  2. Haha! My dog stays in the WAY back of my Acura MDX (my rule). So my mirror is ok. But my rear window? Full of dog smears!

    1. Going anyplace else he either sits in the passenger seat or curls up in the back and sleeps. It's only going to Sunday Dinner that gets him acting like that.

  3. Awww, he's so cute! The dog we used to have would literally sing all the way to the groomers. My two are trying to figure out what's going on with the sound on this video. It's got our bigger of the two making her own moaning sounds. I got a picture of her sniffing at the speaker on my computer. LOL!

    1. This guy here was intrigued by the sound of his own crying when I was uploading the video.

  4. Louie loves to go to Gramma's!! I love that he knows where he's going!! --Lisa

    1. He knows exactly where he's going. He knows when it's Sunday, and even if it's close to time to go. Once, my son was driving and took a different route. I swear if he could talk he would of told us off for going the wrong way.

  5. My dogs do the same thing! Our ride to Grandma's house is about 35 minutes, but as soon as we are about 5 minutes away, they KNOW. My miniature Dachshund (Squirt) starts to whine and my Aussador (Mo) starts to oink until I am ready to make them WALK the rest of the way there. Annoying little devils...but I love them :)

    1. The only other person my dog gets that excited to see is Steve the pizza guy. Thankfully Steve delivers, otherwise I would have to detour to almost every place I go to avoid getting whipped in the eye by retriever tail.
