fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Tomatoes don't celebrate Easter.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tomatoes don't celebrate Easter.

My head may still be a little bit fuzzy due to the accumulation of snot on my brain, but I'm finally able to stay vertical for longer than 15 minutes at a time. I feel like a bit of a wimp for using sick days but at the same time grateful I did. I would have never made it through two 14 hour work days like that.

Next year? I'm totally getting a flu shot. There's no way a simple little cold would knock me down like that.

I've been up in the air all week as to whether I should hold weekend funnies this weekend or not. On the one hand, most of you will have family functions to attend and might not have time to participate.

On the other hand, it's a long weekend and some of you might not have a lot happening with all that free time from work. For me, it's the same old same old. Tomato plants don't celebrate Easter, so they continue to produce tomatoes. I'll be working tomorrow and Saturday - as usual.

In the end, I've decided to hold it and keep my expectations low. So if you have a funny post to share, I'll be here for you. You'll be able to link up at 5pm Friday until 5pm Sunday.

While I was laid out by the man flu, I wasn't able to do much of anything else so I got some reading in. Most of my reading is done on my tablet with free Kindle books.

Most of the time the free books are new or lesser known authors. Sometimes there's a gem in there though. Unconventional by J. J. Herbert is one of them. The book details one young author's struggle to get his novel published, all while pushing a janitors broom. Through the story James Frost finds love and faith. For me, as a decidedly non-religious person, I found that James's faith only added to the story.

I was kind of sad when I finished it. The sad you get when the last cookie is gone and there is no more to be had.

Now I'm alternating between a Denise Domning book - A Love For All Seasons (I love me some Historical Romance once in a while) and The Books Of Rachel by Joel Gross. In between naps and work of course. 


  1. I read the old-fashioned way. Haven't given in to an e-reader yet. But I read free books, too, from the library. Just finished "Gone Girl" and loved it.

    1. I used to be completely resistant to the whole e-reader thing, but I'll confess I love it. It's so much easier on the eyes. The library is great too - but not so free for me the overdue book queen. In the long run it's cheaper for me to just buy secondhand books.

    2. I'm waiting for our library to break ground on the wing I am financing with my overdue fines.

    3. I still have a stack of 9 books that were due back the day before Christmas. I don't know what in the world I was thinking when I checked out 9 books. I can't even pee alone, let alone read one book in two weeks unless I neglect the interwebs, which, as we all know, is completely impossible...

  2. I always forget about the link-up as I don't do anything "blogging" from Friday afternoon until Monday, but I will try to remember to link-up tonight!!! Have a great weekend!

    1. That may actually be the healthier approach to blogging. Taking a break on the weekends.

  3. I love my ereaeder. But, I still love holding an actual book too. I'm glad you're on the mend. I hope those tomatoes are kind to you this weekend.

    1. I still like to hold an actual book as well. Value Village always has some used books. The library is not for me - it ends up costing more than just buying the book in the end.

  4. Hope you are continuing to feel better. That is no fun. And you can't get a much better review for a book than being sad that it was over. I rarely feel that way too, but when you do -- it's usually a book you will pick up again in a few years. I'll have to look for it.

    1. It was something different at just the right time. I've always got a few on the go, but I couldn't get into any of the ones I was reading. I got right into this one though.

  5. Hopefully by now you are feeling a lot better--so maybe this will cheer you up--I have an award for you--swing by my site when you get a chance and grab it! Congrats!

  6. I had the man flu earlier this year. It was dumb. Spread through the house like a wildfire. Again, it was dumb. Twice, obviously.

    I really hope you feel better, and am super jealous that you got some reading in...

    1. I'm also glad that you're still hosting the funnies this weekend. I love them! As an also decidedly non-religious person (that just celebrates for the kids because it's SO MUCH FUN and everybody else is doing it), I will be doing nothing but stalking the interwebs (while hiding in the closet) after about 9:30am when the kids have found all of the eggs and their baskets full of candy.

    2. Since I had to run around like an idiot around work today to get all my errands in, I too will spend the day doing nothing more than stalking the interwebs. Okay, possibly folding laundry too. My kids are old enough that they are perfectly willing to wait until the day after Easter for their candy and get twice as much since it's half off.

  7. Glad you're feeling better, hope you're 100% soon. You can't have the Man Flu if you still got the Weekend Funnies up and running!

    1. I have on idea what it really was, but when you are female and coughing and peeing when you cough taking pot shots at men is a perfectly acceptable response to the jealousy. Seriously - have you ever seen a man cross his legs before sneezing or coughing?
