fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Is that a thing or something?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Is that a thing or something?

Between twitter and other bloggers I've realized something.

Not only am I not trendy - I'm oblivious to 99.9% of the trends that are happening right now.

Seriously - could somebody at least tell me what the hell is Dubstep? I tried wikipedia, but I'm not music literate enough to figure out what they're talking about either.

My music tastes are simple. I either raided it from my brother's collection or I heard a song, liked a song and then remembered enough of the words to google it and go buy the CD.  Once I own it I like to leave it in my car CD player until I've replicated what most radio stations do to music.

I've never read Twilight, not to say I don't enjoy a good vampire novel. It's just I'll take J.R. Ward please. That Black Dagger Brotherhood series is very steamy. Or Kelley Armstrong - because she's from Ontario, Canada and who cares how big the damn province is - so am I.

Name a movie - any movie. I bet you I haven't seen it*. Odds are pretty good I may have never even heard of it. Once The Polish Guy got a box of movies someone had burned - all titled. I flipped through all those DVD's and said well let's watch "I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell" because it was the only title I recognized.

By the way - I laughed my ass of reading that book (probably because I'm raising the next generation of potential assholes) but the movie gave it a damn sentimental twist that was not in the book. 

I have also never watched Dr. Who - except for when I was a little kid. At the time it reminded me of the goofy school movies that were the 70's version of interactive learning. I've also never watched that Zombie series you all are watching - whatever it's called. I watched a zombie movie or two in my time - does it still count if it was on VHS?

I'm not into gaming either. I'll confess to having years ago played Sims and all of a sudden the sun is up and my Sim family has 3 half alien babies in college and more damn simoleons than my entire family put together, but I don't really think that compares to World of Warcraft. 

It's beginning to look like I'm halfway to the hermit existence here. I think I'm going to need a few more cats.

This post instigated/triggered by The Dose of Reality's Hold It Right There Hombre!

*Unless it's X-men, Spiderman, Batman or Underworld - then I've seen it.


  1. Are you actively trying to avoid things? Because knowing dubstep is a music genre then going to a text-based explanation seems counterintuitive. But also, I'm sure you know a lot of things that many people haven't seen/heard of, case in point: "I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell." I've never heard of that movie. No clue. First time hearing of it. So what the hell, are you trying to make me feel bad and out of touch? How dare you.

    1. I don't think I'm actively trying to avoid - but maybe I am? It's just the conversation in my head is sooo damn interesting.

      If you want to know about "I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell" read the book, skip the movie. And I'm warning you it's all about a young man being an asshole in the way only young men can be. It's by of course - a blogger - who started his blog when he was college aged.

  2. My musical knowledge pretty much consists of "Pre 1998" and "Glee covers".

    1. Mine is actually weird. Some better "music" educated selections from copying my brothers stuff - Pearl Jam (my first and only concert), White Stripes, and others I would have to google or go look at the CD's to remember. Plus some I've found on my own - Custom, Everlast, OAR. And Melanie Fiona - because it reminds me of my mom from when I was little and she was young for some reason.

  3. Bwahahahaha. Okay, I can do this....

    Dubstep sounds like machines screaming at you. That's the best way I can describe it. I Googled why it was given the name "dubstep" but I can't remember why it's called that now.

    Anyway...if you've heard any music that sounded like robots getting it on or machine like sounds...that was dubstep.

    Skrillex is one of the best know people who make this kind of music.

    Here is a link to a dubstep song...

    I encourage you to listen for at least a full minute to get the full effect...the real stuff doesn't start up until about 0:42. --Lisa

    1. Thank you! I read your post and it was kind of like the straw and the camel.

      I'm lost in a sea of trends.

    2. THIS is what my oldest was listening too after his Rammstein phase (he went to that concert and a big thank you to my brother for taking him - that stuff is way too depressing for me). It sounds very different when it isn't banging through my floor joists. I always referred to it as Techno - just to prove I'm an idiot when it comes to trends.

    3. I really can't believe that anyone actually likes dubstep. I think kids just play it to annoy their parents. I always describe it as robots having sex, too! But you are missing out on The Walking Dead. It's so rad.

    4. I don't even think I get that on my cable stations. Or is it a movie?

  4. If I didn't teach college I would be completely clueless. The thing is most of the music I hear I hate. "These kids today!" If I'm this curmudgeonly at rhymes with shorty, what will I be like at 80?

    1. I kind of like the stuff "my" teens listen too - if only because they have so much fun when they're listening to it. I do own some newer stuff though, but again my taste is all over the place and usually it's not anybody really popular.

  5. I rarely listen to new music either these days, but on the other hand - I hardly listen to any music at all (the only way I'm learning about new things really is through one of my best friends and he's 10 years younger). I don't watch much movies either, but I do watch The Walking Dead (because I love zombies and vampires, that's also why I love True Blood) and I have read Twilight but to be honest, I prefer Anne Rice (or even Bram Stoker).

    1. I've gotten out of the habit of listening to music. I used to have a huge playlist on my computer, but I've never transferred those files over. Plus this one has crappy sound.

  6. I'd never heard of dubstep either but being a nosy old crone I listened to a couple of Skrillex numbers. It has a kind of awful fascination though I can't see myself rushing out to buy any of the music. I'm more at home with classical jazz and Bach.

    1. I'm not so much into classical, but jarring isn't my speed either. I like music I can have playing and be able to either listen or not listen - depending on whether or not I'm trying to drown out the sound of other bodies in the house.

  7. I've never heard dubstep. I've never read Twilight and I don't intend to, but then again I don't get the whole vampire thing. I don't get to see as many movies as I'd like because my husband doesn't like movies. So, what I watch is limited to what I can catch on t.v. (and no we don't have movie channels) or what can be watched with my children. I'm waiting a year or two more until my son is old enough to really not get nightmares from scary movies because he's going to be the only one I can watch horror movies with. But, I don't do the slasher type. I like paranormal scary.

    My music tastes include pretty much anything from the 80's cause that's my generation, heavy metal, hard rock, classical, Celtic, and some semi new agey instrumental type things. I'm not really too picky, just can't stand hip hop, hard core rap or blue grass country.

    1. I've got to admit, I'm not a fan of country either.

  8. Oh, I AM very ACTIVELY trying to avoid trends, they're usually super ANNOYING and you hear so damn much about them after awhile you want to punch a baby. BUT, I have a teenager and teenage nieces/nephews so I can't get away. And the Facebooks. And the Twitters.
    p.s. I HATE Twitter <> but Facebook is a dbag, and as much as I pretend to hate people, I don't hate people who read blogs, and I would kiiiind of like more than just 3 people to read my blog. Not sure why. Maybe I'll hate it if that ever happens.

    1. For me, usually the fastest way to ensure I don't want something is if everyone else has it. Still though, I got suckered into the tramp stamp tattoo trend - at the end of it's life span. Now there's a reminder to never follow a trend unless you really like it.

  9. I have no idea what (who?) dubstep is, I don't enjoy vampire shows, I don't game, and I can't watch sci-fi stuff without wanting to put a fork in my eye. So, I guess we have a lot in common?!

    1. I didn't either - until I checked out the link from The Dose of Reality.

  10. I must not be trendy either because I'm right on point with you on all of these!

    1. I don't know if it's lack of time or lack of interest, but most of it seems like too much bother to figure out.

  11. I don't watch movies either. I only made it halfway through that new Batman movie before I gave up and turned it off. It's like I can spend whole days reading a book or playing video games, but a two hour movie, who has time for that!?

    My brain is a weird place, is what I am saying.

    1. I have a hard time with movies, unless they are action. My brother teases me whenever I say I just don't get Quentin Tarantino. My brother is a huge fan of his movies, but to me they all have weird endings.

  12. I don't mind dubstep but in small doses only...the screechiness and the thumping get to be annoying after a couple songs

    I love Tucker Max...have all his books (he is such an asshole but so damn funny) but I haven't seen the it any good?

    Video games either bore me to death or frustrate the hell out of me so I don't bother. My son says I'm missing out, but I spend too much time online as it is, the last thing I need is another time-suck

  13. I'm a WoW (that's what we call World of Warcraft, by the way) gamer & proud. I know of daustem from a video on YouTube. It's... kinda cool... I guess.

    I have to say that great minds think alike since we both had trends on the mind, it seems.

    1. Don't ask me how dubstep became daustem. My worst typo to date, I think.

    2. I was thinking the great minds thing too when I saw your post this morning.

  14. The only reason I know when things are, well, .... THINGS... is because I have two teenagers. And, once I discover a trend, I have a hard time letting it go. I still attempt to do Gangnam Style at weddings. Which is met with a hearty and collective *facepalm* by the other guests. A-holes.

    1. And now I've got to go Google Gangnam. Facepalm!

  15. Hey! You are into Ward... you are cool in my book!

    1. And now I know why you've got number three in the oven! ;-)

  16. I have never watched any Twilight movies or Dr. Who, nor do we have a gaming system in our house much to the demise of my 8 year old son. I am right with you, just a nerd loving life!

    1. We've always had gaming systems in the house. They just don't interest me.

  17. I never saw the point of Dr Who. I caught an episode or two when I was younger and hated it. I know it has surged forward in popularity recently, but I still hate it. I am a huge movie buff and love the Walking Dead, but I am with you on the rest of the stuff. I think it is part of growing up and becoming an adult. Our lives are busy enough, the cool stuff just doesn't get the priority it used to.

    1. I found Dr. Who visually cheesy. Like I said, it reminded me of the dumb movies they used to show us at school that were supposed to teach grammar. Or for the younger crowd - Goosebumps episodes.

      These days I find the cool stuff to be things like having clean laundry and still a few minutes to do things I enjoy. Or running out of month before I run out of money.

  18. I never have been a trendy person. I still listen to '80's hair bands & '70's music. I like some of the newer rock & country. Today's rap makes me crazy when my 19 y/o daughter plays it or the neighbor kids have it thumping from theirs cars. I'm glad that my daughter listens more to other stuff now, like country or sometimes oldies or motown.
    The only game I play is mahjongg dimensions & when I was in high school, I loved centipede. I just can't get into those other games.
    My tv shows are varied. I love Walking Dead (it's on AMC on Sundays at 9pm), True Blood, Survivor, Big Bang Theory, 2 Broke Girls & Detroit Red Wings hockey (even when they're losing)
    The clothes I wear are usually an embarrassment to my daughter, even if she just wears jeans & t-shirts. I wear whatever is comfortable. Sweats, stretchy pants, fake crocs (hey, they are so comfortable). My only real pair of crocs is my Red Wing pair. I have a pair of black Chuck Taylor high top all-stars & summer is sandals or flip flops. Tank tops with loose cotton or stretchy shorts for summer. And no bra unless it's absolutely necessary in any season (my daughter really hates this. Hubby doesn't care unless it will embarrass him). It depends on where I'm going.
    I'd rather be a hippy any day. I was just born a little too late (1967)...sigh.

    1. I'm a huge fan of crocs. They're the only footwear I can wear without socks and stand to have in the same room with me.

  19. JR WARD ROCKS! New BDB is coming out on the 26th!!!!!!!!

    1. I love her books. I think The Polish Guy might just love it when I read them too.
