fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: And Then I Peed On His Foot.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

And Then I Peed On His Foot.

One thing the boyfriend and I are in total agreement on is the need to shower before sexy time. Since this means I've never had to suffer through having a stinky pit crammed in my face I'm truly grateful.

Occasionally we like to conserve water and shower together. Since we`re no longer 20 year olds, this also ensures that whoever had their shower first can`t fall asleep while the second one showers. Last night was one of those times.

Now boyfriend only has a shower stall. You know - one of those 3 foot by 3 foot don't even think about ladyscaping shaving your legs in there - upright coffins? Yeah, that.

As I stepped into the coffin shower, the running water reminded me I had forgotten to go pee first. But since he had already washed his hair and balls whatnot I figured oh well, he's not going to be in here much longer.  Except he was and we ended up in some sort of weird standoff.

Boyfriend: I thought you showered before you came over.

Me: Well yeah, but I wanted to freshen up. It's not every weekend that Aunt Flo is out of town and we've got no kids.

Boyfriend: Okay, are you almost done?

My Brain: I've really got to pee. I could get out and go - but then I won't have that fresh clean feeling. I hope he's going to be done soon, I've really got to go.

Me: Almost, I'm just enjoying the nice warm water. (Usually his idea of warm is my idea of cold.)

Boyfriend: You aren't even standing under the spray.

My Brain: That's because I don't want to stand over your foot, and are you just about done? I'm getting a cramp in my bladder.

Me: I was being polite and letting you have your turn.

Then nature, running water and and too many drinks - whiskey and about 2 litres of Diet Pepsi - took over. That's right - I peed on his foot.

So then I finished freshening up and got out. Turns out the boyfriend needed the extra space to do some manscaping.

I'm not sure if he knows I peed on his foot and I'm not asking.

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  1. Don't. Ask. Now you'll have to excuse me. Gotta go pee.

  2. O.M.G. That is so hilarious! I wouldn't ask either! Guys probably don't notice those things, anyway.

  3. Well he sure knows now (assuming he reads your blog!). So so funny!

    1. He doesn't get blogging - so I'm good on that one!

  4. Replies
    1. Could you imagine that conversation? Oh yeah, you remember last weekend when you were trying to rush me out of the shower...

  5. Oh man! It's funny that what sounds romantic (showering together) really isn't in the light of harsh reality :). So funny.

    And this would be a perfect post for Dude Write!

    1. Usually it's a lot more romantic (or sexy) than that.

  6. Husband notices every time. Dammit.

    1. I bet you've got one of those reduced flow shower heads. The boyfriends is regular old shower head and I'm hoping with all of the other ahem water coming down mine was lost in the shuffle. So to speak.

  7. i'm late, but i just wanted to share that my bf thinks it's hilarious to pee on me in the shower. since it's usually after sex and we've just exchanged a bunch of other bodily fluids, it doesn't bother me.

    also, i'm pretty sure that i could pee on any part of him at any time and his response would just be "meh."

    1. You're never late!

      I'm not sure I would find it hilarious to be the one getting peed on, at least not as a regular thing. But then again, probably my boyfriend wouldn't think it was hilarious either...

    2. yeah, i'm going to say we're...different...

