fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Bitter Cold and Bad Karma

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Bitter Cold and Bad Karma

Outside it's -11 Celsius, or 12 Fahrenheit.

And conditions indoors aren't much better.

I'm wearing a long sleeve T, two sweatshirts and my winter coat. Even though I'm waddling around like an Ewok and can't move my arms, I still wish I had thermal underwear, a hat and a scarf on.

The bitter (to us anyhow) cold was the topic of last nights phone conversation with the boyfriend.

Boyfriend: Did you plug your car in?

Me: No, somebody tie strapped the cord to a hose and I can't get it undone.

Boyfriend: Who did that?

Me: I don't know but it's been like that for 2 years.

My Brain: Probably you Boyfriend.

Boyfriend: You used it last year.

Me: No I didn't, I never needed it last winter.

Boyfriend: I hope your furnace doesn't quit on you.

Me: Why would you even say that?

Thanks Boyfriend for putting that out there. Now I have to worry about Karma making it happen - even though I know there is nothing wrong with my furnace.


  1. I know this has nothing to do with this post but I wanted to let you know that I hope my children love each other enough to beat the crap out of each other and zap each other in the pink parts with an electric BBQ lighter.... I adore your family.

    1. Synnøve, you should really be careful what you wish for!

  2. Men...They always say things, well, stupid things & it's probably better NOT to think about them, but, as women, intelligent women, we can't help it. Try & keep warm. The temps here in Michigan are supposed to warm to the '20's soon ;)

    1. He likes to always be prepared for the worst that can happen. Which is good sometimes, but other times I really don't even want to think about the worst that could happen.

  3. Oh! I hate when someone says something like that! It's like the worst thing that can be said.

    1. It is! And you can't say it won't happen because then it does. Never put bad stuff out for the gods to hear. You give them ideas.

  4. Haha! It was 8 when we were standing at the bus stop today. 8!! I'm moving back to CA...

    1. Oh I'm glad those days are over! I felt pretty sorry for the ones I saw standing out on my way to work though.

  5. I wish I could control my hot flashes so they occur when I'm outside, making the dash from building to vehicle or back again. No such luck.

    1. If hot flashes were controllable, I'd have mine all damn day instead of at night when I'm comfortable and then I'm too hot.

  6. The winters have been so mild in southern Ontario the last few years that I forgot what an actual Canadian winter was like. Yesterday I nearly passed out when that -20 wind chill hit my face. It was disgraceful.
