fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Unexpected Gifts

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Unexpected Gifts

I've been a reader ever since Grade one. The teacher taught me See Spot Run, and I hit the ground running. As an adult I consume the written word with just as much gluttony as I bring to my other habits. It seemed a natural leap to start blogging.

And I found a whole new world of reading material.

Have you ever read a book and been sad when you finished it? Because it was that good and you were that involved? Blogs never end. I can follow your blog for years, celebrating your triumphs and mourning your losses and always tomorrow or next week or next month there will be another post.

And then you started reading my words. 

There is something inherently vain about writing about the minutes of your day and waiting for someone you don't even know to read about it. Hoping they will comment and begin an interaction. I get a thrill every single time my email tells me I have a new comment. Every new follower sends me over the moon.

And then came the best gift. 

The gift of confidence. No longer am I that girl. The one we all went to school with. That girl that never fit in. The one who couldn't do sports to save her life and instead spent recess with her nose buried in a book. No longer am I that girl who tries to hide in plain sight, the one who never participates in the conversations around her. 

Now I walk taller because I want you to see me. I have more strut in my stride because people like what I have to say. I join conversations because if I can make you laugh here, surely I can make you laugh in person.

That is the greatest gift. Thank you.


  1. Yesssss! I understand EXACTLY what you mean! Very well said!

    1. Thank you. It's amazing how much more confident and sure of myself I feel.

  2. Everybody has their own special talent in this world. You definitely found yours.

  3. I'm glad you feel confident. :) Welcome to the blogosphere!

    1. It really amazes me how much I've started interacting in real life since I started blogging.

  4. I LOVE the blog! You fit right in. Welcome Home, my friend, Welcome Home!

    1. Thank you! It's been a wonderful ride so far!

  5. You are an amazing writer, and you said this so well. I used to be an avid reader (but The Kid and my blog have made reading next to impossible), and I always feel sad when I finish a book. I always want it to get on forever. I never really thought of blogs as books that go on forever, but now that you put it that way, I wonder if that's why I've stopped reading. This is more rewarding. The characters are real, I never know what I'm going to get, and it lasts forever.

    I'm so glad you started blogging and that you found me as I have thoroughly enjoyed interacting with you (even when we were bitching about that damn contest!)!!!

    1. Thank you! That truly is a wonderful compliment. At one point in my life I dreamed of writing romance of all things. The problem is I'm a practical soul and imagining up stories of wildly implausible romance is beyond my reach. Who knew that dream would take this form - or that I would be gaining skill at it.

      This is actually my second go around on the blogging wheel. I think I needed the first one to find my voice.
