fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: A Box Of Twine And A Game Of Hoarders

Monday, January 7, 2013

A Box Of Twine And A Game Of Hoarders

I used to have a not so secret addiction to the show Hoarders. It lost it's appeal when the cast started sleeping in the Hoarder's home. Seriously, you cannot pay me enough to sleep in some Crazy Cat Lady's house. It was kind of a freaky show - or at least it freaked The Boyfriend right out.

The best thing about Hoarders was it aired on garbage night. I could throw away a lot of shit after watching back to back episodes of Hoarders.

Lately though I haven't been watching and I'm starting to worry that I may be sliding down that slippery bannister to full on hoarding. I especially started to wonder when I brought a box of twine home from work.

That's right, it's a box of used twine. I bet you wish you could get such awesome stuff where you work. Twine is some useful shit. I just don't know that I need an entire box of useful.

Since hoarders isn't on, to keep my ass motivated I did a little Am I A Hoarder? Nah I'm Not A Hoarder quiz in my head.

Hoarders don't do laundry, most of them can't even find their washer and dryer. Instead they buy new clothes.

I do have a couple of loads of laundry piled up, but I do it every damn day and the Asshats make me two new ones - every dann day, sometimes three. I can still find my washer and dryer even if I do have to kick through a bit of dirty clothing to get to it.

I never buy clothes because I suffer from Mall Rage. It's just like Road Rage, only it happens in the mall. Usually after some passive aggressive bitch race walks to get in front of me so she can walk exactly half a step slower than I want to walk.

Hoarders have nightmare kitchens that nobody has been able to prepare a meal in for the past 10 years. 

My kitchen is a nightmare. I did have to clean out all of the casserole dishes in the fridge tonight so I could have one clean to use for dinner, but all of them contained recognizable food I could remember preparing. Nothing there for Matt Paxton to taste. I did also manage to prepare a big family dinner in there a couple of weeks ago and nobody has reported any instances of food poisoning.

Hoarders often end up only living in a tiny little portion of their homes. 

I do spend a lot of time in my bedroom, but that's mostly to avoid being aggravated by the Asshats. My computer is in there, where the hell else would I hang out?  My bed even gets made once a week - right after I take the clean sheets out of the dryer.

Hoarders always have animals and piles of petrified poop in their houses. 

I have animals, but only one of each. I'm pretty sure there's no petrified poop anywhere to be found, unless we're talking in the lawn, but that's outside and damn it's cold out there.

I've come to the conclusion that I'm not a hoarder. I am a slob suffering from an internet addiction who realizes that twine is some useful shit.

Hanging out at Yeah Write again, the coolest community on the Innerwebz. 

Try it.
You'll love it! - I promise. 


  1. This was quite a useful quiz. I had to think carefully about each one to be sure I'm not a hoarder either.

    May I ask what you're planning to do with that twine? Not that it isn't useful! exactly?

    1. I'll never know how exactly it's useful - until I throw it away.

  2. That show is so useful at making me feel better about myself. Lazy vs. hoarder. It's good to know the difference :)

    1. I used to love it, but the last season kind of did me in. Sleeping in the hoard is wrong. So, so wrong.

      I'm thinking I should get a few seasons on DVD and pretend it's a Hoarder's marathon - every Sunday. My house would be very empty and very clean.

  3. Twine is totally useful, so I'd say you're justified in keeping some around. For extra non-hoarder credit, roll it up into a cute little twine ball, put googly eyes on it, post a photo to Pinterest, and now you're a CRAFTER. Win.

  4. Oh thank goodness you passed the test! :P I watch hoarders too sometimes, but it usually just leaves me feeling sad with urges to clean.

    1. It's the urges I'm looking for - I try to capitalize on them.

  5. I totally hoard fabric but my kids are fed and my house is clean and I'm pretty sure the only thing petrified here is me! Those hoarder shows just gross me out and I always wonder why some family member doesn't step in loooonnng before it gets to the "demolish the whole damn house" phase.

    1. I think sometimes it happens so gradual that family members don't even notice how bad it's getting. Plus, some of those hoarders are pretty territorial about their hoards.

  6. a box of twine, huh? that's something i don't read about everyday. ;)

    1. It's not every day you get the opportunity to get a free box of used twine either!

  7. That show helps me keep my floors really, REALLY clean...

    1. For me - it helps me clear my counters off. After watching it I get this insatiable need to see clear countertops.

  8. The amount of stuff I've brought home over the years simply because I could one day find a use for them... True, half of those things are still sitting in a drawer somewhere waiting for me to find a use for them, but one day I will. Each and every one of them.

    I may try this quiz on myself.

    1. The boyfriend has a huge drawer - full of old screws. Whenever he starts a new project he'll spend hours looking for the right sized screws in his drawer. That I couldn't do. I would have thrown away the whole drawer and just bought the right screws for what I was doing.

  9. You could tie the Asshats up with it. Are they your children?

    1. They are my maddening young adult boys. I have this secret fear that if I don't hide the twine, I'll come home to one of them tied to a stake or the clothesline, or something.

  10. That show totally freaks me out, and I have a really high tolerance for insane reality TV. It's the one show I can never, ever watch.

    1. I can see where some people would get totally creeped out watching it.

  11. Count me among the people who find hoarders to be...frightening.

    1. I hear you. For me, the fear is motivating.

  12. This season isn't doing it for me either. And sleeping in the hoard was bogus because the first few houses they did it in even the hoarder had not been living there for awhile. You left an important question off your quiz: Are there any flattened animals or homeless people in your house?

    And why don't relatives step in before it gets to the demolish the house phase (this one is for MM Mimi)--it usually isn't worth the effort and fight. We let hoarder MIL get tossed right out on the street because nothing we could do (did) would help or was wanted. It just caused trouble and strife. We had our own lives to live. MIL is well medicated and group homed now. That's what she needed--a keeper with a pill bottle.

    About the twine--it is useful stuff but I don't recommend crafting with it because next think you'll know you won't have the right color and will have to go out and buy new twine and add in a few extra rolls in other colors to make it worth the shipping and then it will arrive in an oversize box that will freak out your spouse and then you'll realized you ordered the wrong thickness of twine and have to start all over again. Not that I have any personal experience with that or anything.

    1. I get where you're coming from for you MIL - at least in a group home you know she's no longer a danger to herself.

      I won't try to craft with the twine - I've already experienced that trauma with yarn! Now I buy yarn specifically for a project and won't buy anymore until THAT project is finished.

  13. My son would LOVE a box of used twine. And I agree with watching Hoarders makes you want to throw stuff away. We cleaned out our attic this fall. Made me crazy knowing how much we bought throughout the years only to throw away. I resolved to stop buying stuff. Or should I say cr@p.

    1. But I bet at the time you bought it, it seemed like wonderful things. Am I right?

  14. Hoarders is a great show for making me feel better about myself. I have a clean house but there is a certain amount of paper-clutter. And kid clutter. No twine though - my husband is always looking for twine!

    1. Paper is a big huge problem for me. I have a big heap of it sitting on the corner of my desk right now. I will probably always have a big heap on my desk because - hello, computer right there?

  15. it's official, you are not a hoarder - just a slob.. funnnnneee! :) but really, what the hey are you going to do with that twine?? what does one do with twine?

    1. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the twine, but I have a dad and a boyfriend who I bet will probably scoop some of it. The rest, I'll try to hide from the Asshats - anything they think up to do with it will not end well.

  16. So funny! Love the checklist and the twine. I took the hoarder quiz on my husband's behalf (I'm good like that) and I'm making him watch the Hoarders show-stat. To support him, I'll watch it too. ;-)

    1. Is it on? I was looking around the other day and figured I was in dire need of a back to back at the very least. Maybe a Hoarders Marathon.

  17. If you are crafty it's ok....other than that you might be in trouble!!!

    1. I am so not crafty. Does that mean I am so in trouble?

  18. This is sort of funny as the hubs was asking me where our twine was this past weekend and it wasn't where it should have been. Did you find my twine?

    I know I'm not a hoarder because I'm all "pitch that shit!" but my hubby is a sentimental keeper of stuff. It would be a stretch to call him a hoarder, but he's definitely more of a keeper than I am.

    Glad you're not a hoarder!

    1. I have twine!

      I'm kind of glad I'm not a hoarder too. Hoards are gross.

  19. You are hilarious. I love that show too, but it is kind of creepy. I love to throw stuff out, but it's more fun to watch sick people be humilated on TV.

    1. There is kind of the "at least my house isn't THAT bad" element for me. Even as I try to be a mature empathetic adult.

  20. What a funny post! I just love the last line. You sound a lot like my mom.

    1. I don't sound at all like my mom. When she gets angry she cleans closets. By clean I mean she throws away pretty much the entire contents.

  21. Definitely not a hoarder...
    And twine is totally useful. For like, twine-ing things. Yeah, so there's that.

    1. You are so right. Twine is totally useful, you never know when you're going to need to twine something.

  22. I worry that I am a hoarder...but access to my washer and dryer is clear, so I must not be one! Whoo-hoo!

    1. To me being able to access your washer and dryer is the gold standard of defining a hoarder. You pass!

  23. Yay for not being a hoarder! Whenever I'm procrastinating about something domestic I watch "Hoarders." Then I'm like June Cleaver speed for two hours because that shit freaks. me. out.

    1. See? It used to be perfect. I would watch Hoarders and the garbage man would have an extra bag or two to haul away.

  24. I love Hoarders! I struggle with a bit of the "Should I keep this? What if I need it?" syndrome myself.

    1. I used to really love it but I'm not so sold on the last two season.

  25. You are so funny. I am glad to know there is no petrified poop in your house. Also, if you are intersted in accepting it, I would like to award you a liebster. You can check it out here:
    If you accept, please leave a comment somewhere on my blog, and then also link me in and leave a comment when you have your liebster post up so I can share it with my followers too so they check you out. You crack me up!

    1. I am glad to know there's no petrified poop in my house too! I'm glad you enjoyed.
